September 20204 Newsletter
The Gardening Club SEPTEMBER VILLAGE SHOW was a huge success this year with a record 289 entries to the exhibition. They included beautiful floral arrangements, home baked cakes, scones, bread and preserves, fabulous flowers, fruit and vegetables grown in our gardens, art, craft and photography exhibitions.
Our resident Bee expert Mr Peter Styles put on a display all about these fascinating delicious honey producing insects!
Doors opened at 2pm. You could hear the excited buzz in the room as exhibitors piled in to see if the judges had awarded them a certificate and enjoy everyone else’s entries.
Followed by a visit to the kitchen tea room to choose a delicious cake and a cuppa. It was super afternoon out for our villagers and some folk came from far beyond Cheshire too!
It was a real pleasure for the hard working team respond for the show to receive so many complimentary comments from our visitors, for example;
“Thanks for putting on such a great show, will definitely be back it was completely inspirational!”
We look forward to seeing you all with your friends and family next year.
March 2024 Newsletter:
Sweet Peas:
Extra chairs had to be laid out at the last meeting of Bunbury Gardening Club as so many people arrived to listen to a talk given by Phillippa Cooper, a Wem Sweet Pea Society member. We were not disappointed. It was an excellent presentation covering a brief history of sweet peas and the importance of Wem in developing the sweet pea, how to grow and show them. Many of us now have a much clearer idea of growing sweet peas and look forward to filling our vases with their sweet fragrance. We discovered that they grow better in a cool, protected environment- no cosseting, no more than 10-15 degrees to germinate and a cool greenhouse or even a sheltered spot outside to grow on. After 2 leaves nipping out the central growing stem results in a bushier, stronger plant. If you want further information from the experts put July 20th 21st in you diary and head off to Wem town hall to the sweet pea show. It is a real treat and apparently a good lunch!
Summer Newsletter:
Gardening Club Annual Show 2023:

🌻BUNBURY GARDEN CLUB NEWS🐝 It was our annual Bunbury Garden Club show on Saturday, 9th September at the Village Hall. Thanks to all who took part and volunteered to help make it a success.
Special thanks to our amazing judges, hardworking show secretary and volunteers. Well done to all our show entrants for growing or creating such wonderful exhibits, we look forward to seeing you again in 2024!

Due to such a wet July and August, we had a fewer number of fruits and vegetables this year, but the plants and other creative sections had lots of interesting displays, including floral arrangements, cookery, jewellery, photography, arts & crafts.

Visitors enjoyed a drink and the delicious homemade cakes in the adjoining tearoom.
Please spread the word amongst your creative and fellow gardening friends!
Invite them to like or join our BGC Facebook group page. Parents, guardians, grandparents and children’s group leaders let’s encourage our younger generation to have fun, get creative and grow some entries for next year’s show. You could nurture an artistic or green-fingered prize winner!🎨 🪴
Garden club usually meets in the village hall, 7.30 pm every 3rd Tuesday evening in the month. Our AGM supper & BYOW meeting is on Tuesday 21st NOVEMBER. New members are always welcome, please contact our membership Secretary Kath on