Welcome to Bunbury Village
Here you can find useful information about Bunbury Village and our facilities, events and clubs and societies.
If you have an event or a club you would like us to publicise, then please let us know. Also, please feel free to email us with comments or requests for new content. If you need to book the Village Hall or Pavilion, please use their booking system, see below.
The village of Bunbury lies at the western edge of the Cheshire Plain some 3 miles from Tarporley and 12 miles south east of the city of Chester. Little is known of its history prior to the Norman Conquest but it is generally accepted that the name is of Saxon origin and it is thought that there was a Christian place of worship on the site of the present parish church long before 1066. Read more about our history.
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Bunbury Parish Council
The Parish Council website contains information about the Council and is the statutory website for the Parish Council’s legal publications. To go directly to the Parish Council section please click here.