Clubs & Societies
The following is a list of clubs and societies in the the Village, please contact them directly.
If you wish to advertise a new activity please email us on bunburyvillagecheshire@gmail.com, listings are free.
Group and Contact | Location | Information |
Baby & Toddler Group Katie Keltie on yogashapeswithkate@outlook.com | Village Hall | We run every Wednesday (term time only) from 9.30 – 11.30. It’s volunteer run so we’re always looking for volunteers to help set up from 9am too. |
Badminton Jennie Money at jennieinoz@icloud.com | Village Hall | Social badminton on Thursday evenings 7.30pm to 9.00pm. Currently full but contact us to go on waiting list. |
Bowls Club Dave Evans on 07860 479030 | Jubilee Playing fields | We are friendly group who meet on a regular basis all the year round at the Pavilion Bunbury Playing Fields. We are always looking for new ‘talent‘ add to the membership of the club. We have both indoor and outdoor facilities so operate all year. Any age welcome from junior to senior. |
Cricket Club Cricket Club website | School Lane | Both the junior and senior teams are keen to attract new members to the club and everyone is always welcome at the clubhouse for home games and the very sociable Thursday night junior training. Membership and fixture information is available at the clubhouse. |
Bunbury Mountaineers Bunbury Mountaineers website | n/a | We are a local group formed in 2004, most of the trips involve walking in North Wales, Peaks, Lakes and Scotland. We do sometimes opt for scrambling routes for the less faint hearted. We also have trips abroad and have been to the Dolomites in Italy, and Braincon in France, to climb the excellent Via Ferratas. We have a one day trip a month on a Saturday or Sunday and also for the unwaged/retired a trip on the last Friday of each month and the group meets once a month to plan and organise ourselves, this is carried out over a beer or two in the Dysart Arms. For new comers the first walk is free, after which the first years Membership is £20 and £10 per year there after, all proceeds are used for the benefit of Members and we also support Mountain Rescue. |
Bunbury Singers Bunbury Singers website | School | Bunbury Singers is a mixed community choir, whose members have a love of singing and enjoy meeting peiple and having a good time! We started the new term with a new Musical Director – Cath Shaw. We are delighted to welcome Cath and to have her leading us, especially as she has many exciting ideas for our future rehearsals and performances. |
Bunbury Tennis Club Bunbury Tennis Club website | Jubilee Playing Fields | We are a friendly Club with great facilities and low cost of Membership. We are always on the look out for new Members of all abilities Located at Jubilee Playing Fields the Club offers two of the best hard courts in Cheshire, including floodlights and a clubhouse with kitchen and welfare facilities. |
Bunbury Women’s Institute Sue Watson on 01829 260 642 | Pavilion | Bunbury W.I. meets at 7.30pm on the 2nd Thursday of every month in the Playing Fields Pavilion with a talk or demonstration, some brief WI business and refreshments prepared by Members. |
Bunbury Youth Football Bunbury Youth Football website | Jubilee Playing Fields | Contact the Club for the latest news |
Garden Club Mike Bourne on mjbourne249@tiscali.co.uk | Village Hall | Regular meetings 3rd Tuesday in the month at BUNBURY VILLAGE HALL unless otherwise stipulated. Newsletter Don’t forget to diary your club QUIZ & FIZZ. Tuesday 21st Jan 2025 7:30 Village Hall |
Nags Head Football Vets | Jubilee Playing Fields | The Nags Head Bunbury Vets FC play at the Jubilee Playing Field on Sunday mornings, they play in the Chester and Wirral Football League. |
Over 30’s 5-aside football Bob Harris on 07720 866504 | Malbank School, Nantwich | 5 aside for the over 30’s! A group of men from in and around Bunbury play 5-aside football on Wednesday evenings. We play indoors at Malbank School in Nantwich, 8.00pm to 9.15pm but typically share lifts from Bunbury. |
Pilates Kate Mason on 07984636524 www.katurapilates.com | Bunbury Pavilion | Tuesday evening: Beginners 5.15pm Intermediate 6.15pm Men 7.30pm Thursday morning: Intermediate 9.15am Beginner 10.30am |
Photography Club | As its a new club meeting day still tbc. It could be daytime or evening! | If you enjoy taking photos with a camera or your phone and want to meet other photo enthusiasts in a very relaxed fun environment with no membership fees or committees please get in touch. Everyone’s welcome with all levels of experience from Bunbury and surrounding villages. Please contact me for further information and to register your interest. Carol Wallace 07789668044 or cwallace0910@gmail.com. |
Royal British Legion Lesley Davies on lesleydavies500@gmail.com | Various | For most people, the Royal British Legion is inextricably linked to the annual Poppy Appeal but the Legion is far more than a once a year event. It exists beyond the Appeal to provide support for former and serving members of this nation’s Armed Forces and it aims to help, in one way or another, around 500,000 people each year. |
Scouts Scouts website | Jubilee Playing Fields | The sessions are jam packed with games, challenges and skills – Beavers (age 6-8 years old) 6-7pm – Cubs (8-10 years old) and Scouts (10.5-14 years old) 6.30-8pm To find out more please send a text or WhatsApp message to Group Scout Leader Andrew Fairclough on 07976 363 056 See our post for more information |
Scottish Country Dancing https://rscdscheshire.org/ | Tarporley Community Centre | Wednesdays from 7-945pm (except as stated on our Diary Dates page. Contact the Secretary, Andrew, for further info secretary@rscdscheshire.org |
Yoga Jacqui on 07809 110 862 | Village Hall | Yoga for all ages and abilities in a friendly relaxed atmosphere. Private classes and Zoom available. Tuesday: 9-10.15am Men (all ages and ability) Friday: 9.15-10.30am Morning Flow. (Adv beginner/intermediate) Friday: 10.45 -12noon Gentle Flow. (Beginner/Adv beginner) |
Yoga Yoga Shapes with Kate website | Darkie Meadow | Kate Keltie offers Yoga Classes in Darkie Meadow |