These notes are not the official minutes of the Bunbury Parish Council. The minutes can be found at
These notes are a narrative description of the meetings and will appear much more quickly than the minutes. However, despite our best efforts, they are open to error, so always check with the Parish Council Clark if in doubt. His email is:
The Next meeting will be on Wednesday,11 December, at 7:20 in the Pavilion. The Council does not usually meet in August.
The Open Forum, which precedes the formal business of the Parish Council, is an opportunity for residents to raise issues of immediate concern or comment on recent planning applications. You are warmly invited to attend if you wish to bring urgent matters to the attention of the Parish Council.
Please note that no report is available for July as our reporter could not attend. Please accept our apologies for the resulting gap in our notes.
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 13 November 2024
Mike Rogers and Marie Harris attended the start of the meeting on behalf of the British Legion to make a presentation to Cllr. Nick Parker for 30 years of service to the work of the British Legion locally.
Public Forum
A member of the public reported that he had written to the prime minister and others protesting against cuts to local bus services. The Borough Councillor and local MP have responded, saying they are making representations on behalf of residents concerning the lack of public transport.
Parish Councillor Reports
Concern was raised about people walking/cycling in the village in the dark without wearing something light or suitable lighting to show them up to motorists. It was suggested to promote ‘wear something light tonight’ in the newsletter. The reporting of road works and closures on WhatsApp has been well received. Inconsiderate parking around the village is still a concern and the Parish Council is working in close contact with the PCSO to point this out to individuals.
Help was being organised to put up the Christmas tree in the centre of the village on Saturday 30 November.
The excessive use of the green by the church by construction vehicles is being monitored to ensure the green is returned to its natural state when work is finished.
Two new batteries for defibrillators need to be ordered and the cabinets for the defibrillators at the Dysart and the School need to be fitted.
Planning Update
Work has started on the development at Manor House on the Whitchurch main road.
Maintenance and Repairs
The gate post to the large gate and the smaller gate are broken and a quote for repair has come in at £450-£500. Repairs were approved. Work would probably be carried out after Christmas.
Traffic Management Working Group Report
The Parish Council heard that the final draft is ready for submission to Cheshire East seeking a 20mph speed limit within the village. This is a time-consuming process and the working Group felt that it wanted to let residents know that this is pushing forward through a poster and banner campaign; regardless of the outcome of the application to Cheshire East Council. The Parish Council agreed to order two banners and 200 stickers for bins and posts.
Clerks Report
The Parish Council has been working with Cheshire East Council around enforcement issues with the Oak Gardens housing development; without much success.
The Police Crime Commissioner has funds available from ‘turning criminal money into positive action’ with a number of categories organisations can bid for. There is a safety category and the Parish Council agreed to bid for a speeding SID device.
Chesire East Footpath Officer has informed the Parish Council that Wardle Parish Council are proposing to create a link between footpath 31 and Haughton footpath 17. The Parish Council had been involved in proposing this in the past and is very supportive of the proposal.
The Cheshire East Planning website has been upgraded and is much improved. There is a Cheshire East Environment consultation out on the management of hedgerows; as well as a consultation on remote attendance and proxy voting at council meetings.
Overgrown hedges on Whitchurch Road
The Borough Councillor had organised volunteer work to try and recover some of the footpath along Whitchurch Road and some width has been recovered in parts. There are still issues around Manor House area. Parish Council members also highlighted the narrowing footpath heading out to Beeston. The Parish Council agreed to write to any properties on Whitchurch Road and Bunbury Common with overgrown hedges asking them to cut them back. They would also contact Beeston Parish Council.
Parking Directional Sign(s) to the Village Car Park
Due to parking issues around the village, the Parish Council discussed whether to have an additional parking sign to the car park to the one at the entrance to Hurst close. They agreed an additional sign on the post by the chip shop to direct vehicles to turn right to the car park would be beneficial and agreed to write to Chesire East Council for permission. It was also agreed to write in the newsletter about parking and the location of the car park.
School drop-off and pick-up were also discussed, and it was agreed to ask the PCSO to attend to monitor traffic and parking at these times along School Lane.
Items for the WhatsApp Bulletin
Tree of the month
Scam going round with people trying to gain access to houses.
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 9 October 2024
Borough Councillor Report
The Borough Councillor referred to the consultation on household waste that is out at the moment. A change to legislation means that councils have to collect food waste on a weekly basis. In order to save money on the current waste arrangement to fund this new arrangement from 2026, Cheshire East Council is proposing a 3-week black bin collection. The Parish council agreed to advertise the consultation on its WhatsApp to alert people to respond.
Highways have carried out some re-instatement of markings on the roads around the village. The replacement of the road surface up from the chip shop is scheduled for next year.
Some work had been done to reduce the width of the hedgerows along Whitchuch Road to double the width of the footpath for safer walking. It is the responsibility of residents to cut the hedges to maintain the footpath running alongside. Speeding along the main road has been raised by residents who have requested a SID further on from the speed camera to reduce the prevalence of people speeding. Another suggestion has been made for 30mph stickers to be put on waste bins as a visual display of speed restrictions on bin collection days.
The Borough Councillor is meeting with Highways and Public Transport concerning the withdrawal of the only bus service in the village, to Nantwich.
Public Forum
A member of the public referred to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee tree planted by the Parish Council on the Church Green saying that it is doing well and is a lovely addition. The Parish Council were also thanked for the 20mph work that had been undertaken. If such a speed restriction is adopted for the village, enforcement will be important to ensure it is adhered to.
A resident and a self-employed fund raiser also spoke to the Council about the replacement of the Pavilion. One attempt had been made but failed, partly due to apathy and £1,000 remains in a fund from that attempt. The fund raiser explained that the chances of securing grant funding at the current time is very low and funding would have to be raised locally or from so called 106 agreements from local housing development. The Parish Council agreed to put the item on the agenda for the next meeting.
Parish Councillor Reports
Parking concerns around the village, particularly around the school, shop and the new coffee shop and along Bunbury Lane around Tilly’s Coffee shop were discussed. A suggestion of an additional parking arrow directing people to the car park was made and for parking to be raised on the WhatsApp and in the Newsletter.
The bolt on the playing fields gate post on the Wyche Lane side is stuck and needs attention.
The issues of footpath 29 that runs out to Birds Lane where a gate had been built across it with no markers have now been resolved. Way markers have now been put in place and the footpath is available for people to use.
The latest Newsletter had been successfully delivered albeit additional helpers were needed to make sure everyone received a copy.
The boiler in the Pavilion is in need of a service and an engineer is being contacted to do the work.
The Chair of the Parish Council had attended a recent Police Cluster meeting where speeding was the main topic with numbers caught speeding on the A49 shared – 653 for 3 months from June to August.
Planning Applications
24/3461N – 6 St Boniface Close, Bunbury
Single storey rear extension and partial conversion of attached garage.
Agreed – No objection.
24/3560N – The Bungalow opposite the Nags Head
Demolish current garage and install room in roof.
Agreed – No objection.
Maintenance and Repairs
The gate post to the large gate and the smaller gate are broken and a quote for repair is being pursued, but has not been received yet.
The Clerk is pursuing quotes to replace the resin surfacing around the basket swing and the purchase of further soft bark surfacing both in the play area.
Traffic Management Working Group Report
The Parish Council considered a draft submission to Cheshire East seeking a 20mph speed limit within the village. Evidence is required to back up the commitment from residents. Christleton Parish Council have had a successful adoption of 20mph and have offered support in the submission for the same for Bunbury. The Parish Council agreed to gain support from Christleton about the bid.
Clerks Report
The Annual External Audit of the Parish Council accounts has been completed.
The defibrillator boxes have arrived and the School and the Dysart will be contacted about installation.
A new Parish Council website is up and running but not available to the public yet. The Parish Council has received an invitation to a meeting with the Police Commissioner on 24 October, 7pm in Frodsham.
Neighbourhood Plan
In light of a new National Planning Policy Framework to be published, Cheshire East starting to draft a new Local Plan and the new Government issuing increased housing numbers to be delivered in Cheshire East, it was agreed to delay any further work on the Neighbourhood Plan until issues for the future are clearer.
Christmas Planning
The Christmas tree has been ordered and will be erected on 1 December. Crewe Brass band have been booked for carols around the tree on Christmas Eve.
Finance and Governance
The Parish Council insurance was agreed for a 3-year period.
Use of the Car Park for a Periodic Pizza Van
A request has been made for a pizza van to use the car park on a Wednesday evening, 5 – 8.30pm. The issue of litter was discussed and a trial period was agreed for 3-months with a donation made to the Parish Council for use of the site.
A date was set for 18 November for members of the Parish Council to receive training on planning.
Items for the WhatsApp Bulletin
Household waste consultation
Jubilee tree
Christmas Eve planning
Councillor Recruitment and Co-Option(s)
2 new members were co-opted onto the Parish Council
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 12 June 2024
Borough Councillor Report
The Borough Councillor referred to the recently called general election and that all council’s would be entering a pre-election period whereby consultations and policy decisions would be delayed until after the general election.
She thanked Bunbury Village Day Committee for all their hard work in organising what turned out to be a very successful day.
There was no update on the Parkside Appeal. The weight limit sign by the locks bridge is not visible due to the 30 mph sign and would be rectified. The Bus Service Consultation is looking at the possibility of removing the limited bus service Bunbury has. Numbers using the service are low and mainly concessionary travellers (money for such travellers comes from the Government not the Council). Bunbury is one of the few smaller villages that still has a subsidised route. The ‘Go to’ bus solution is not practical for concessionary users. The Borough Councillor will be meeting Council officers in person to discuss the issue and possible options.
Parish Councillor Reports
The allotment working group continues to meet and has received support from a Council Officer in making applications for grant assistance. One source of funding has a July deadline so work will need to take place to meet the deadline. The Parish Council also discussed the possibility of approaching local businesses or employees who live in the village who work for large well-known businesses about possible grants for a community project.
A member of the Parish Council has been approached by a resident of Wyche Lane about erecting an additional gate entry off Wyche Road onto the playing fields for safer access for children. This would be researched and discussed again at a future meeting.
Cabinets are still being sought and followed up with the company in order to place two defibrillators on outside walls in the village. The access code has been written on the defibrillator box on the wall of the pavilion.
Village day had been very successful with a few minor issues of parking in the car park and having livestock (alpacas) on the field. The playing fields grass had been cut for the event but less frequent cutting meant that there was a lot of surplus grass that volunteers had to remove.
The 20 mph questionnaire delivered with the latest newsletter has a return date on 8 July. 111 responses had been received so far and a reminder in the Link and on the Parish Council WhatsApp will be sent.
Footpath 29 that runs out to Birds Lane has been blocked by the erection of 2 gates across the path. The issue has been lodged with Cheshire East Council.
A member of the Parish Council along with the Borough Councillor had attended a recent Police Cluster meeting. Some minor incidents were reported for Bunbury including a motorbike accident outside the Nags Head, a two-vehicle collision on School Lane and a vehicle hitting a lighting bollard on Pulford Place. There had also been an attempted burglary and a theft of a bicycle. The speed camera on the A49 had had issues of recording and had been checked. Further training in the use of the Parish Council speed camera has been organised.
Planning Applications
24/1856N – 7 Wakes Meadow, Bunbury
Replacement of existing rear conservatory with single storey rear extension. Removal of existing single storey side extension, new external doors and windows to this side elevation. Partial conversion of existing detached garage.
Agreed- No objection
Planning Update
The larger houses of the Bowes Gate Road development are still not complete, some two and a half years after the site was started. Assurance has been received from the developer that the green space in front of the development will be repaired once building is complete.
Additional Dog Bin (at Bunbury Mill)
The Parish Council considered the purchase of an additional dog waste bin at Bunbury Mill. The Chairman of the Mill addressed the meeting explaining that they are having to collect discarded green dog poo bags that are littering the site because of no bin facilities. The Parish Council agreed to move the bin from the top of Bunbury Lane to the Mill and move the red bin from the nearby entrance to St Boniface Close to the entrance of the footpath on Bunbury Lane, near the Yew Tree.
Replacement Gate Post at the Playing Fields
The gate post to the large gate and the smaller gate are broken and a quote for repair is being pursued.
Annual Play Area Safety Report
The annual safety report on the play area has been received. There were no urgent repairs required but on-going maintenance of such areas as the zip wire would need attention and quotes would be sought.
Clerks Report
Peter Wilson has been appointed as the new Lengths man for the village.
A new supplier for the provision of the Parish Council website has been found. The website should be easier to use and will be integrated with website. The cost will be £500 to move information across with reasonable on-going costs. The Parish Council agreed the expenditure.
Finance and Governance
The 2023-2024 annual accounts were approved, with a closing balance of £101,000. This includes 2 current accounts as one is for the ring-fenced monies for future maintenance spending on the play area. The other current account includes money received as a result of housing development in the village and should be used for community infrastructure projects such as the allotment proposal.
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 15 May 2024
Parish Council AGM
The Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council took place prior to the scheduled monthly meeting. A summary of achievements and activities for the past 12 months were presented and thanks made to members and Clerk for their hard work.
Areas covered included:
- Continued work on the installation of defibrillators across the village; there will soon be 4 across the village. Two training sessions in the use of defibrillators were held for residents in the village hall.
- Planting of Platinum Jubilee tree on the Green by the church and the felling of an unsafe tree.
- Naming of the new housing development by the doctors – Pulford Place, in memory of the dedication and work of the previous Parish Council Chair, Ron Pulford.
- Planting of spring bulbs in the woodland area of the play area.
- Track around the playing field re-instated.
- Annual Carol Service supported by Crewe Brass Band raised £300 for Nantwich Foodbank and village Tuesday luncheon club.
- Development and distribution of Parish Council newsletter
- Monitoring housing development in the village and considering planning applications and raising objections, if appropriate.
The Playing Fields Committee also gave a report outlining work to maintain the facilities. Grass cutting of the field will require some input from private contractors in the future. Cheshire East currently cut the grass but a they do not own the field they are reducing the frequency of cutting, due to financial pressure.
Two residents in attendance thanked parish councillors for their voluntary work as members of the Parish Council.
The Chairman’s cup for voluntary contribution to the village was given to Jo Lester, for 29-years service as Guide Leader to Bunbury Guides.
Parish Council Meeting
Borough Councillor Report
The Borough Councillor reported that there are Cheshire East Consultations on renewing the Local Plan, Household Waste Recycling Centres and Bus Services amongst others. The Bus Service consultation is looking to cut routes that are not well populated and might have an implication for the limited bus service in Bunbury.
The Bunbury Alive Group has now moved into the doctor’s surgery, where social prescribing services are also available. The frequency of the grass cutting on the playing fields by Cheshire East will be monitored. The Borough Councillor confirmed that she will be attending Bunbury Village Day on 8 June.
Public Forum
A member of the public raised the issue of parking in the village centre and requested caution in any restrictions that might impact on services such as the Co-Op.
Parish Councillor Reports
Some members are continuing to attend the allotment and 20mph working groups. Outside cabinets for two defibrillators are still outstanding and will be chased up.
The frame holding the village sign is rotten and needs replacing. The item had been raised with the President of Bunbury WI who had had involvement with the replacement of previous signs. She supported the Parish Council in looking to replace the frame.
Rubbish left on a table in the play area was raised and litter generally in that area. Signs have been ordered asking people to take their litter home with them
Village day is on 8 June and members of the Parish Council were asked to help on the gate. A Workshop for year 6 pupils as part of Village Day is already in hand.
Inappropriate parking, particularly at the junction coming up from the chip shop had been raised with the Police Support Officer, who had advised taking a photograph and sending them to her.
Planning Applications
Demolition of Stables and replacement with farm building at Willow Hill, Bunbury Common
The Parish Council noted that the building overlooks the countryside with no neighbouring properties.
No objection
23/4513N Variation of condition1 on application 19/5534N: Reserved matters following outline approval 16/2010N for residential development for 15 dwellings with associated works. Land at Oak Gardens, Bunbury
As this application had only just been received but would need a response before the next meeting, it was agreed to deal with it under delegated responsibility.
Planning Update
The construction of a garage at Willow Hill has been approved. Access onto the A49, Whitchurch Road has been made for the construction of a barn conversion property.
Cheshire East Local Plan Review
Andrew Thomson had attended an online seminar on a new Local Plan for Cheshire East and had written an Issues Paper from the consultation that is currently taking place for the Parish Council to consider. The next Plan will be shorter and kept up to date. Some national policies such as heritage assets, inappropriate development in green belt and areas of flood risk will be covered by National Development Management Polices and so will not be included in Local Plans.
Bunbury is currently in the Settlement Hierarchy as a Local Service Centre but the definition of such a centre is very broad. It was recommended that the Parish Council ask Chesire East to refine their criteria for defining Local Service Centres reflecting the range of facilities available in particular public transport, local employment and the role of settlements in the wider area.
Other topic areas discussed in the paper included Homes for Everyone, Towns and Villages and Rural Matters. A new housing needs assessment for the plan area is proposed which the Parish Council strongly supports and the requirement to demonstrate a need for First Homes together with the establishment of very clear tests as part of any policy going forward particularly in relation to any ‘rural exception site’.
The Parish Council agreed with areas covered in the Issues Paper and delegated Andrew Thomson and the Clerk to work up a response from the Parish Council to the consultation which closes on 1 July 2024.
Bus Service Review
The Bus Service Review contains a proposal to stop the No 70 Northwich bus to Nantwich which comes through Bunbury. The Borough Councillor has asked for data on usage of the service by Bunbury residents. Some residents have said that the most used days are Thursday and Saturday when the market is open in Nantwich. The Parish Council agreed to do what is could to preserve the current bus service and would gather evidence and make a response to the consultation.
Traffic Management Working Group
A focussed survey on the topic of 20mph in parts of the village will be distributed to residents with the May Parish Council newsletter, before a submission is made to Cheshire East Council. The Parish Council reviewed the latest draft of the survey and made one amendment before agreeing to its distribution.
Items for WhatsApp Bulletin
The following items were agreed for the Council WhatsApp:
Bus Service
Chair’s Cup
Newsletter Items
Local Plan
Chair’s Cup
Refurbished path on playing fields
Hedges overspilling onto pavements and request to keep them in good shape.
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 24 April 2024
Borough Councillor Report
The Borough Councillor reported that she had submitted an objection to the Appeal against granting planning permission at Parkside, Bunbury Lane. She had also been contacted by a number of residents regarding the granting of permission to install solar panels on the Old School, College Lane despite opposition from the Heritage Officer. The Parish Council stated that it had debated the application and heard that there was some conflict between sustainable energy and protecting heritage properties. The Parish Council took a vote and voted by a majority to object to the application. The objection was sent by the Clerk to the Case Officer, although this was not loaded onto the portal. The Borough Councillor is speaking to the Case Officer for further information on reasons for granting permission.
Cheshire East has a new Chief Executive who is undertaking a new transformational programme.
Public Forum
A member of the public thanked the Parish Council for their comprehensive, well-argued objection to the planning Appeal at Parkside, Bunbury.
The Chair of the Bowling Club made a presentation to the Parish Council about the replacement of the flood lights with LED lighting and a possible contribution from the Parish Council towards the costs. This had previously been looked at and contribution to the costs had been forthcoming from Parochial Charities; however, the lights were not replaced and the money was returned. A re-application has now been made. An approach for funding could also be made to Cheshire East Community Fund and British Bowling Green.
Two quotes had been sought at £10,500 and £8,500 plus VAT. Alternatively, the Bowling Club itself could purchase the units (8 in total), hire a cherry picker and they have a qualified electrician willing to install them.
The Parish Council discussed the request and agreed that the Bowling Green should look at the charitable organisations first for funding and if this falls short of the costs to come back to the Parish Council. The Clerk would write to the Chair of the Bowling Club.
Parish Councillor Reports
Concern was raised about the playing fields water meter being located on the old Methodist Church site now that building work has started. It was agreed to write to United Utilities seeking assurance of protection of water supply to the playing field and associated clubs.
The quality of repair of the stretch of road down to the village chippy was discussed. The Borough Councillor reported that this is a temporary solution whilst quotes are being sought for a more permanent re-surface of the road.
A Parish Councillor reported that a new set of plans have been approved for the development of the Oak Gardens site. The veteran ash tree has been saved but the affordable housing proposed still fails to meet national place standards. Cheshire East are saying that this cannot be changed as permission has already been given.
The frame holding the village sign is rotten and needs replacing. The item would be placed on the next meeting agenda.
Village day is 8 June and members of the Parish Council were asked to help on the gate. A Workshop for year 6 pupils as part of Village Day is already in hand.
Planning Applications
24/0840N – Brook House, Birds Lane, Bunbury
Two storey side extension to replace existing garage. Replacement conservatory. Detached garage.
No objection.
24/0885N – Willow Hill, Bunbury Common Road, Bunbury
Demolition of existing garage and stables and the construction of a replacement garage and agricultural storage building.
No objection.
24/0963N – Whitegates, Wyche Lane, Bunbury
Single storey rear extension, alteration to dormer window, replacement windows and rendering the existing brickwork.
No objection.
24/1085N – 4 Aldersey Way, Bunbury
Extension and internal alterations to improve accessibility and comfort for disabled resident.
No objection.
24/1112N Manor House, Whitchurch Road, Bunbury
Variation of condition 2 on existing permission 22/3586N; Proposed New Dwelling.
The Parish council heard that the variation involved moving the garage to the corner of the plot.
No objection.
24/1162N – 4 The Square, Wyche Road, Bunbury
Proposed first floor side extension, log burner and render to existing and proposed side extension.
The Parish Council noted the opposition to the application by Built Heritage on the grounds of damage to the conservation area and agreed to object on the same grounds.
24/1322D Former Bunbury Methodist Church site
Boundary Treatments.
The Parish Council agreed to object to the variation as the proposals are not in keeping with the conservation area.
The Parish Council also heard concerns about work being undertaken around the protected walnut tree and felt that careful enforcement was required. The Borough Councillor agreed to speak to the Case Officer and Tree Officer.
Planning Update
The Planning Officer agreed with the Parish Council that the latest application for work at Foxdale was unclear and would not progress until clarity had been received.
Allotment Working Group
The work to develop Allotments is progressing well and it was agreed that any applications for funding would come through the Parish Council.
Traffic Management Working Group
A focussed survey on the topic of 20mph in parts of the village will be distributed to residents with the May Parish Council newsletter, before a submission is made to Cheshire East Council. There would be minimal costs involved if the proposal proceeds – change the roundels at the beginning of the village to 20mph instead of 30mph.
Request Regarding the Speed Gun and Training
The small Parish Council of Stoke and Hurleston has asked if the Parish Council would be willing to loan them their speed gun. It was agreed to offer the gun but they would have to organise their own training.
Correspondence and Clerk’s report
Work on re-instating the track on the playing fields is underway. The Audit and Governance review for the Parish Council is also underway.
Items for WhatsApp Bulletin
The following items were agreed for the Council WhatsApp:
Objection to the appeal at Parkside
Tree of the month
Reporting potholes
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 13 March 2024
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting
Borough Councillor Report
The Borough Councillor met with the school to discuss the cost and provision of an off-road car park for school staff and the community outside school hours. The Headteacher received a quote of £85,000, which was felt to be excessive, so alternative quotes are being sought. Once all quotes had been received, a fund-raising project would be launched to residents on Village Day.
Grant forms have been distributed to local groups such as Bunbury Alive and the Walking Group. The Council has been asked to sweep Bunbury Lane from the Yew Tree to the Co-Op to clear the road of debris that has built up from building works.
The Borough Councillor has met with the Highways Department about road resurfacing and white line marking in the village and has offered to pay for line marking from her local councillor budget. A few drains are also blocked. Work could start from May onwards.
Cheshire East Council’s budget meeting has taken place where it was agreed to increase the cost of the garden waste bin by £3 from the Autumn.
The replacement of the Local Plan has started, and the Parish Council will respond to questions and issues at the appropriate time. The red dog bins have been replaced.
Public Forum
A member of the public raised that news has emerged of an Appeal being registered against the refusal to grant permission for 25 First Homes on the site at Parkside, Bunbury Lane. The Borough Councillor explained that the Case Officer had mentioned that an Appeal has been registered but is missing information and hasn’t been circulated yet. The Parish Council expressed surprise at the news given that there is a requirement to submit an Appeal within 6 months of the date of the Decision Notice which is dated 29 June 2023. The Clerk of the Parish Council agreed to write to the Head of Planning seeking clarification.
Parish Councillor Reports
Discussions are taking place with the school about housing a defibrillator on the outside wall of the school.
The spring Newsletter has been distributed and Parish Council members were thanked for ensuring distribution across the village. Positive feedback had been received about the Newsletter.
A survey on traffic management is being finalised following discussion with local groups including the school. This will be distributed with the May Newsletter.
Planning Applications
24/0849N – Heath House, Whitchurch Road, Bunbury
To demolish existing Coach House, erect a new garage block with ancillary accommodation and erect a new detached dwelling with access, landscaping and ancillary works.
The Parish Council felt that this is back land development with access onto a Trunk Road and as such, is contrary to planning regulations. The Parish Council agreed to object to the application in a majority vote.
Planning Update
The Parish Council heard that the application to incorporate land into Heath House Garden has been refused.
An application has been submitted for the management of trees at Foxdale. It was agreed that the Clerk canvass opinion from Parish Councillors to make a response by the deadline.
The on-going planning applications for the development of Oak Gardens have received objections from Forestry and Principal Ecology Officer to the cutting down of the ancient Ash tree.
Cheshire East Ward Boundary Review Consultation
The Parish Council heard that the overall aim of the review is to ensure that the wards remain broadly similar population size whilst also reflecting local community and geographic links. There is no proposed change to the total number of wards or seats in the Borough but, in the light of the significant growth in population in the Bunbury ward, there are proposals to alter the boundaries, as follows:
Remove parts of the ward in the north east (which relate more to Leighton and Crewe.
Remove Acton and Burland which relate more to Nantwich and Wrenbury.
Remove the Kingsley Fields development which logically falls in with Nantwich now.
Add Spurstow and Haughton (from Wrenbury Ward) as they relate more to Bunbury as the local service centre.
The Parish Council agreed to support the review and the proposed boundary changes.
Allotment Working Group
A further meeting on the site is to take place by the Allotment Working Group.
Correspondence and Clerk’s report
A resident has raised the issue of parking causing congestion and possible dangerous conditions for pedestrians around the triangle in the centre of the village. The Parish Council agreed that there are issues and agreed to produce posters asking for considerate parking and approach the Co-Op to display them.
A resident from Bowes Gate Road near the canal has raised that heavy trucks are still going over the bridge and was concerned about future damage. The Clerk has asked the resident to note down name and registration on trucks and would also check whether there is warning signage on the junction from the A51.
Items for WhatsApp Bulletin
The following items were agreed for the Council WhatsApp:
New-style dog bins
Magnolia tree photo for tree of the month
Spot trucks using the canal bridge
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting 14 February 2024
Ward Councillor Reports:
The Ward Councillor reported on the success of the ‘Great Winter Get Together’ (Full details of the feedback are on this website). Cheshire East Council (CEC) has completed its consultation on its budget. The Green Spaces Review has resulted in CEC agreeing to maintain Jubilee Field and the Churchyard Green but at a reduced frequency of visits. Replacement Dog Waste Bins are on order, but the additional one to be placed near the Mill will have to be paid for by the Parish Council. Two new buildings to store the archives of the County have been opened in Chester and Crewe. It has been agreed to raise the ‘Green Bin’ fee by £3 at renewal.
Public Forum:
A member of the public discussed the need to maintain access to the paddock at the rear of Tweddle Close through the proposed Allotments. This was noted.
Members report:
A report on the continuing work of the Traffic Working Party was presented. A survey is planned for later in the year once the planned 20 mph zone is agreed. In the meantime, a public engagement strategy was in process, with contact being made with all groups likely to have input into the discussion.
The Police Liason Group wants to set up a group to review the body Cam video.
The work of the Allotments Working Group is discussed below.
It was announced that Village Day will take place this year on Saturday, 8 June.
1. 23/4819N Former Methodist Chapel Site
The PC agreed to object to this application on the grounds that the scale of the building was out of keeping with adjacent properties and the site: the roofs of the two properties ( next door) did not align, and the overlooking of gardens and bedrooms of a house at the rear. The Council also notes that while ‘sustainable energy systems’ were going to be ‘looked at’, no actual commitment was made in the application.
2. 24/0276N Long Acre, Wyche Lane.
Discharge of a planning condition relating to drainage. No objection
3. 24/0307N Norbury Cottage Bunbury Lane.
The Council welcomed this application to rebuild and replace much of the site. The designs for the new dwelling were sympathetic to the area, and of a high sustainable standard. No objection.
Planning Updates
- Heath House’s application to include a field within the house’s curtilage as part of an extended garden was refused on the grounds that no evidence was provided about the ecological status of the field against which any possible harm could be assessed.
- Oak Gardens Site. Strategic Housing had submitted an objection to changes to Condition 1 of the planning consent but added, in the same letter, that it withdrew its objection. The Council will request clarification given the original objection was based on current CEC policy that affordable homes meet National Standards on the minimum space per occupant of the property, which the ones on this site currently fail to do.
The request to display the ‘Go to’ Bus Banner has been resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.
Allotments update:
The Council discussed the progress and agreed to proceed to the next stage.
The Working party report on the feasibility of developing allotments on the plot behind Tweddle Close was discussed. The plot has now been surveyed and can hold a reasonable number of allotments, all of which could be half-size. The site has several healthy saplings that need to be removed and relocated. Access to the site must be carefully managed to maintain the right of way to the paddock. It cannot become a car park. The water supply is believed to be on-site but has yet to be thoroughly investigated. The next stage in the project is to identify all the costs and invite tenders to clear and prepare the site.
The Clerk reported that speeding data had been requested on the camera along the A49 in the Parish boundary. Some data had been received:
Oct 2023 – Total speed offences 237
Nov 2023 – Total speed offences 255
Dec 2023 – Total speed offences 346
Nomination of second Representative to the Police Liaison Group:
Cllr. Bottomley was elected.
After acceptance of the Finance and Governance report from the Clerk, the meeting closed.
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting –17 January
Our usual correspondent could not attend the January meeting of the Parish Council; therefore, these notes were written by a poor substitute for whom I duly apologise.
4. Unitary Authority Councillor Report
The Borough Councillor reported ongoing flooding issues across the ward. The situation near the Yew Tree, while outside the Parish, is nonetheless of concern and has not been resolved. The local authority is currently considering its budget, which could impact the Parish in several ways. Parish election costs may be collected in full from the Parish Council rather than just the nominal fee charged at present. This would only occur if a contest for a place on the Council occurred. Further, a Green Space Review is ongoing, and the Parish council should expect to fund maintenance of all green spaces within the Parish not owned by Cheshire East or privately.
The recent request of the Council for additional and replacement Dog Waste bins has been refused, and the Parish will have to find the money itself.
The Councillor also hoped the ‘Big Meet’ event at the Pavilion on Saturday (20 Jan) would have positive support as it is the first event of this type to be held in the authority. It will have representatives from a range of Cheshire East Council departments and village organisations, as well as a representative from the Parish Council. Other Councillors are welcome to attend to support the event.
5. Public Forum
One member of the public congratulated the Council on a very successful organisation of the annual ‘Carol Round the Christmas Tree’. There was a good turnout that brought the village together for this celebration. However, the PA system was inadequate for the occasion.
6. Parish Councillor Reports:
Councillor Bottomley said he had received several complaints of dog fouling and suggested the Council needed to take action. This was supported by several other members who had noticed increased fouling. The Chair said she would obtain some additional cans of environmentally appropriate red chalk spray to alert the public to the issue and remind less responsible dog owners of their obligation to clean up after their pets.
Councillor Slater said there had been confusion over the code code location of the Defibrillator. He expected a resolution shortly.
Councillor Gorman reported on the first meeting of the Traffic management sub-group. It was agreed that the publicity for the public meeting in November could have been better. The group considered a 20 mph zone for the village and how this might be implemented along with a public engagement strategy. Further meetings are scheduled, and an update will be included in the PC Newsletter in February. Councillor Gorman will Chair meetings with Vice Chair Jane Radbourne.
The Chair, Councillor Brookfield, reported that the Police area cluster meeting would be resumed. The pause in the work of the Community Speed Watch was now over, and further monitoring could now be continued.
7. Planning Applications:
23/4720N Foxdale: New residential Drive
This application will not be commented on by the Council. The application formalises access off Vicarage Lane, about which the Council were NOT asked to comment and to which they objected when they discovered its existence.
23/4758N Hope Cottage: Extension and internal alterations
No objection
23/4680N Heath House Application to extend garden curtilage into adjacent fields.
The Council resolved to object to this application.
This is the second application to add the adjacent field to the garden area of the house. The first application was refused and went to appeal. The Inspector upheld the refusal on two grounds:
1. No assessment of Biodiversity had been undertaken. Therefore, no evidence exists that Biodiversity would not be harmed by the conversion from field to garden.
2. Including a pond in the new garden extension raised the risk of flooding to an unacceptable level.
The new application removes the pond from the plans. It includes a Tree survey of the site and an Ecological Enhancement strategy. However, again, no biodiversity assessment is included, and nothing the applicants intend to use the area for currently cannot be done. The Council were anxious not to see substantial areas of land incorporated into garden spaces where potential development could occur at some future date.
Planning Updates:
1. It was reported by a councillor that CEC has given consent to the application (23/3662N ) for a 4-bedroomed dwelling on the Methodist chapel site.
2. Further to the application 23/4513N on the field at Oak Gardens, the Arboricultural Survey and Assessment is still unavailable to view, having been removed in December 2023. However, a repurposed Design & Access Statement from the 2019 application that gave consent has appeared. It contains the new proposed layout once the veteran Ash tree has been removed, but page 7 claims the ‘Ancient ash tree to be retained’. Confused?
Strategic Planning Update:
A new Local Planning cycle is beginning to prepare the development framework for the ’40s. At an early stage, citizens will be allowed to provide feedback on draft documents on Land availability, Sustainable Appraisal, and Settlement Hierarchy Review.
8. Request to Display a ‘Go To Bus’ Advertising Banner
The Go-To Bus operators wish to place a banner at some point in the village to advertise their service. The general impression was that few used the Bus, but there was support for making it better known. The Council requested further information to judge where best to locate the banner.
9. Christmas Tree and Christmas Arrangements
A total of £345 was raised from donations and will be divided between The Food Bank and the Tuesday (Alive) Lunch Club. The Council want to thank all those who donated.
The Council discussed the best and most appropriate ways to recognise the contribution of the many volunteers who assisted with the Christmas Tree. A ‘thank you’ message on the Parish Council WhatsApp message board and a personal donation from members of the Council was agreed upon.
10. Correspondence and Clerk’s report
The Clerk reported that several consultations are currently open, and members and the public are invited to contribute.
11. Jubilee Playing Fields Charity – Appointment of Trustees
Three councillors were nominated and appointed as trustees on the Jubilees Fields Charity – Cllrs Thomas, Slater and Brookfield.
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 13 December 2023
Public Forum
A trustee of Bunbury Water Mill reported that dog walkers have been placing black bags in the Mill bin, and the volunteer emptying the bin is saying this is now over-used and a more public bin is required. A previous meeting of the Parish Council had agreed that a dog bin should be located near the Mill (end of Mill Lane as it meets Bowes Gate Road). It was agreed, subject to funding being made available, to place a bin at the Mill, the exact location to be agreed upon with the Trustees.
Parish Councillor Reports
The emptying of dog bins outside the church was raised as the bins had been full on two occasions, and more regular emptying was required. This would form part of the arrangement for the Lengthman’s contract for next year.
Rain had caused flooding on Wyche Road and Wyche Lane as grids are blocked. It was advised to report the blockages on Cheshire East’s Fix My Street website.
Two dead trees at the entrance to School Lane had been cut down to ground level. The issue of responsibility for slippery pavements caused by the accumulation of dead leaves or snow was raised. The responsibility falls to Cheshire East, and the Clerk agreed to seek further advice from Cheshire East Highways Department.
An update on the distribution of the autumn Newsletter was discussed, with over 600 Newsletters distributed. The deadline for the spring edition is 24 February 2024.
The Tree Preservation Order (TPO) database is now recorded on Parish online, showing where trees have been removed and where new ones have been planted.
A member of the public had asked if the speed camera on the main road is working and it was confirmed that it is. Hedgerows encroaching onto the pavements along the Whitchurch main road had also been raised by residents. It was concluded that this should be reported to Cheshire East Fix My Street. The problem of hedgerows encroaching onto pavements was raised as a general problem across the village. Individual households with overgrown hedges could be written to requesting that they cut back their hedges.
It was reported that the cottage at the top of Wyche Road from the church had been damaged by being hit by a log delivery truck. The brickwork has been damaged; the truck driver was stopped, and the incident was reported.
Planning Applications
23/3662N – Old Methodist Chapel, Bunbury Lane, Bunbury
New four bed dwelling to the rear of the property on the car park – amended plans and details.
The Parish Council saw little difference in this application to the previous one other than an apparent reduction in ridge height. The site would still be cramped and too close to the bungalows, and the Parish Council agreed to object to the latest application on the same grounds as the previous application.
23/4214N and 23/3305N – Foxdale, Vicarage Lane, Bunbury
To change the use of the land from part domestic garden/part pasture to a formal landscaped garden, including engineering operations to excavate an ornamental lake.
The Parish Council complained about the inadequacy of the information provided for them to make an informed decision. This application is one of many that has come forward since June 2023 on this site, many of which have included inadequate information. In addition, a number of actions have taken place on the site without planning permission. The Parish Council agreed to object to the latest two applications on the grounds of inadequate information and also to ask the Borough Councillor to call the applications in so that they can be considered by the Cheshire East Planning Committee.
23/4513N – Land at Oak Gardens, Bunbury, CW6 9QN
Variation of condition 1 on application 19/5534N: Reserved matters following outline approval 16/2010N for residential development for 15 dwellings with associated works.
A new application has been submitted for larger houses, which appear to remove the veteran Ash Tree, which the original layout protected. It is hard to clarify the latest position as the Arboriculture report originally on the website has now been removed from the site. It was also reported that other trees on the site would be ‘coppiced’. The original conditions laid down were there to protect trees and surrounding habitat and the Parish Council agreed to object to the application on the above grounds.
Planning Update
The Parish Council heard that the First Homes initiative announced in a Written Ministerial Statement has not been included in the latest National Planning Policy Framework published.
Christmas Tree and Christmas Arrangements
Arrangements were discussed for Carols around the Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve, which included music from the Crewe Brass Band. Donations from the event would be split between the Tuesday Lunch Club and the Food Bank scheme.
Allotment Working Group
An update was received on the progress of the Allotment Working Group. A site survey will be undertaken as soon as the weather permits. Access would need to be looked at, including turning within the site for dropping off tools, etc. Possible funding sources are also being investigated.
Correspondence and Clerk’s report
A written response was outstanding for a quotation to restore the playing fields track. Alternative quotes would be sought.
Parking at the School
The Clerk and Chair of the Parish Council had met with the School Parking Committee. The school owns a piece of land beyond the school, which has the potential for 30 car park spaces, which could also be used by the community outside of school hours. Plan are being drawn up to formally apply for permission to provide a car park on this land.
Defibrillator Case at the School
The Parish Council agreed to fund a defibrillator cabinet at a cost of approximately £450 to place the school defibrillator on an outside wall so it can be accessed by the public, particularly those residents on School Lane. A cabinet for the defibrillator at the Dysart has been ordered.
Future expenditure was discussed including having to fund grass cutting of the playing fields at an approximate cost of £1,500 as Cheshire East withdraw this task. The Lengthman’s contract is up for renewal and there was discussion about removing the bins around the play area on a trial basis in the hope that people would take their rubbish home. There would also be legal fees if the ownership of the green by the church came to the Parish Council.
Items for WhatsApp Bulletin
The following items were agreed for the Council WhatsApp:
Road closures
Christmas Eve Carol Service
Fix My Street advice
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 8 November 2023
Borough Councillor Report
The Borough Councillor reported that she had received a lot of emails following recent heavy rain, resulting in local flooding. The clearing of blocked drains along School Lane had been undertaken, with three drains found not to be connected, which had been reported. Clearing of drains has also been organised for College Lane. Flooding along Long Lane from the Yew Tree, with water flowing off the fields still remains a problem.
A positive response was received regarding the naming of the new housing development by the medical centre. It is confirmed that it will be named Pulford Place in memory of the former Chair of the Parish Council. A formal naming ceremony with the family will be arranged in the future.
The oak tree on the green by the church has had to be removed on safety grounds. The tree planted for the Platinum Jubilee is establishing itself. The Green itself is subject to a green space review in the village by Chesire East, which may affect grass cutting in the future. The sinkhole on Wyche Lane has been filled by Cheshire East Council.
Public Forum
A couple who bought Norbury Cottage near the Yew Tree introduced themselves to the Parish Council and explained their plans for the cottage and site. Unfortunately, the cottage is not habitable, and the plan is to demolish it and re-build it moving it to face the roadside; the garages to be converted into stables. The overall plan for the site is to retain it as a small holding, in keeping with its village location. They pointed out that the entry and exit to the site is difficult and they would be looking to widen the entrance.
A trustee of Bunbury Water Mill reported that dog walkers have been placing black bags in the Mill bin and the volunteer emptying the bin is saying this is now over-used and a more public bin is required. A previous meeting of the Parish Council had agreed that a dog bin should be located near the Mill (end of Mill Lane as it meets Bowes Gate Road). It was agreed to agenda the item for the next meeting of the Parish Council.
Parish Councillor Reports
A public meeting on traffic management has been arranged for 22 November and posters would advertise the meeting.
A Re-start the Heart Day (training on how to deal with a cardiac arrest) had been well attended and received.
Some lights on the Pavilion building are not working and will be checked and replaced.
It was reported that the Department for Levelling up and Regeneration is looking to speed up the planning system which might have implications for consulting locally on proposals, particularly larger planning issues.
Planning Applications
23/4022N Land at Bunbury Heath, Whitchurch Road, Bunbury
New detached house with detached garage and associated boundary works and landscaping.
The Parish Council heard that this was a third application on the plot, all previous applications receiving approval but not built. They welcomed the energy efficiency of the proposal and raised no objections.
Christmas Tree and Christmas Arrangements
The Christmas tree has been ordered and will be erected on Saturday 25 November.
Arrangements are in place for carols around the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve, including representatives from Crewe Brass Band. A charity to donate money raised from the event will be discussed at the December meeting.
Allotment Working Group
A meeting of the Bunbury Parish Council Allotments Working Group was held on 2 November. The Group heard that there had been few responses to the letter sent to local residents but that, of the responses received, those from Tweddle Close residents were in support of the use of the land for allotments, subject to any car parking being contained within the allotment site.
Correspondence and Clerk’s report
A thank you from the school had been received in relation to the bulb planting event around the play area involving pupils from the school.
Residents from the Hawthorns had raised concerns about the lack of maintenance of the stream through Darkie Meadow resulting in the threat of flooding. The clerk agreed to respond.
College Lane will be closed for two separate dates – Monday 20 November for five days and 8-14 January 2024.
A request has been received from the PCSO about school staff parking along School Lane, requesting that the Parish Council approach the landowner of the frontage to the cricket field to ask if it would be possible for staff to park there. The clerk agreed to write to the landowner.
Green to the North of St Boniface Churchyard
As Cheshire East undertakes its review of green spaces, it has come to the attention that the Green near the church does not appear on the land registry. Cheshire East are looking to remove responsibility for maintaining small pieces of land that they do not own. The Parish Council expressed an interest in formally taking on responsibility for the land and to have it formally registered, if no previous owner can be identified. It was agreed to investigate further formally taking ownership of the green with Cheshire East Council.
The Borough Councillor explained that the purpose of the Chesire East Council’s green space review is to remove maintenance of any land that they do not own. This could impact the cutting of grass at the playing fields and the church yard and have implications for the Parish Council.
Autumn Newsletter
An Autumn Parish Council newsletter would be distributed the last week in November and would include such items as Allotments, Re-start the Heart training and defibrillators, 20mph public meeting, bulb planting, plans for Christmas, maintenance and costs of the play area and village WhatsApp with QR code.
Items for WhatsApp Bulletin
The following items were agreed for the Council WhatsApp:
Christmas tree
20mph speed limit meeting
Autumn Newsletter
Road closure
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 10 October 2023
Open Forum
No member of the public requested to speak.
Borough Councillor Report
The Borough Councillor referred to the letter residents will have received advising them that with effect from 24 January 2024 there will be a charge of £56 per annum for the green waste bin. The charging for the green bin is part of an overall review of expenditure by Chesire East Council, which is forecasting a significant overspend for this year and coming years if action is not taken. Other actions include how often green spaces are cut, such as the space by St Boniface church, rationalisation of council buildings and harmonisation of car parking charges across the borough.
The clearing of blocked drains along School Lane remains outstanding despite the Borough Councillor offering to pay for the clearing from her ward budget. The Borough Councillor reported that there is a community development service that provides services/opportunities for people to meet up but is not very prevalent in rural communities so there is a push to advertise these services in the rural areas.
The Borough Councillor reported that she will be attending the Remembrance Service at St Boniface church.
The naming of the new housing development by the Medical Centre was discussed. The Parish Council had organised through the appropriate approval channels to name the development Pulford Place in memory of Ron Pulford, former Parish Council Chair. However, a different name is being used to advertise the houses. Steps are being taken to revert to the agreed name.
The Borough Councillor went through the list of 106 monies relevant to Bunbury. These are agreements between Cheshire East and housing developers to pay a contribution to infrastructure projects when planning applications are approved. Most contributions to date have been towards classrooms at the Primary School, with the exception of the recently started Oak Gardens development whereby monies have been agreed towards habitat creation. This would need to be monitored to ensure that the project is delivered.
Parish Councillor Reports
An Allotment Sub-Group has been established to look at the viability of establishing an allotment and set up a community allotment association.
A Re-start the Heart Day (training on how to deal with a cardiac arrest) has been organised for Saturday, 14 October, in the Village Hall, and an outside cabinet has been ordered for the defibrillator at the Dysart Arms.
Meetings are being organised in the village on 13 and 17 November to discuss traffic issues in Bunbury. A Parish Council Newsletter will be distributed the week beginning 27 November.
The Parish Council has purchased spring bulbs, which will be planted by Year 3 children from the primary school in the woodland area of the play area on 19 October, 1.30 pm.
Planning Applications
23/3662N The Old Methodist Chapel, Bunbury Lane, Bunbury
New four-bed dwelling to the rear of the property on the car park. (a previous application had been refused by Cheshire East)
The Parish Council felt that this was a large house on a very small plot adjacent to the former chapel, with access coming from Hurst Close by the playing fields. It was agreed to object to this latest application on the grounds of a cramped site situated up against the former chapel, with safety issues as a result of the creation of new access. Eight car parking spaces are recorded in the application, but there is only room for 2 spaces on the plans. The Parish Council further agreed to ask for conditions of retention of a small wall and all hedging and all work vehicles to be housed within the wider ownership of the site should planning permission be granted.
Outcomes of former planning applications:
23/1697N and 23/1761N – the Old School, College Lane, Bunbury
Listed Building Consent and Planning, respectively, for the Proposed Installation of 14 Solar Panels to be installed to the roof pitch of the existing dwelling – Refused
23/3305N – Foxdale, Vicarage Lane, Bunbury
Variation of condition 2 on approved application 22/3593N – Conversion of outbuilding at Foxdale into a four-bedroom detached dwelling with new garden space and associated works – Refused
Play Area Track
The Parish Council considered two quotations for work to establish the full width of the track around the playing field and agreed to go with the quote of a local firm.
D-Day 80
Thursday, 6 June 2024, will be 80 years since D-Day during the Second World War. This is the week before Village Day, and the Parish Council agreed to ask the Village Day Committee if any commemoration could form part of the Village Day event. They also agree to contact the Royal British Legion to discuss any arrangements that they might be making.
Correspondence and Clerk’s report
There is a consultation on the procurement of non-commercial bus services such as Dial-a-Ride. A Parish Councillor agreed to discuss the need for such a service with the Alive Group.
Wyche Lane will be closed for repairs from 31 October to 3 November.
A resident had written about the ivy that was obscuring the street light near the church. It would be investigated where the growth of the ivy sat, and contact would be made with either the Council or the land owner to remove it.
Remembrance Wreath
A Parish Council wreath had been ordered.
The Parish Council’s accounts had been audited and declared satisfactory.
Items for WhatsApp Bulletin
The following items were agreed for the Council WhatsApp:
Play Area Track
20mph speed limit
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 13 September 2023
Open Forum
Two members of the public spoke in opposition to the planning application on the agenda for the erection of a new dwelling and garage in the grounds of Mayfield House, Moss Lane, Bunbury. The land in question is in open countryside with a number of windows in the proposed property facing into a neighbour’s property. Access from a single track and farm lane was also raised as a concern. The two-storey garage with a games room was also felt not to be in keeping with surrounding properties. Residents questioned whether the application was legitimate and necessary for the area.
Parish Councillor Reports
A Parish Councillor asked where the communication was from Cheshire East Council regarding the introduction of charging for garden waste bins from 2024; the charge being levied is high when compared to other councils. Disappointment was expressed that the requested gully cleaning along School Lane has not taken place.
The meeting heard that the outside cabinet for the defibrillator on the village hall is leaking. An outside cabinet is being ordered for the defibrillator at the Dysart Arms, who have agreed that their electrician will install it. A Re-start the Heart Day has been organised for Saturday, 14 October, in the Village Hall. An article will appear in the Link advertising the date.
The area around Footpath 14 has been cut and cleared which has considerably improved the access. However, Footpath 22 along Birds Lane has not had the footpath restored during the maize growing season.
Free dog poo bags have been distributed around the village. The large number of jackdaws around the village has been raised by a resident but the Parish Council is unable to respond to the complaint.
The Pavilion has had a roof leak in the main room, which has been repaired, and the playing field grass has been cut for the football season. Potholes on the stretch of road from the chip shop up to Bunbury Lane have been reported on the ‘Fix My Street’ website. Some holes have been repaired, but the state of the road remains in an unsatisfactory condition. The Parish Council agreed to raise a complaint about the state of the road.
The Parish Council heard that during August, the speed gun had been used on School Lane and Bunbury Lane. Some speeding was recorded and passed to the PCSO.
Planning Applications
23/3228N – School House, College Lane, Bunbury
Listed Building Consent – Back Room Modernisation, new window design, new roof, damp course.
Parish Council decision – No objection.
23/3305N – Foxdale, Vicarage Lane, Bunbury
Variation of condition 2 on approved application 22/3593N – Conversion of outbuilding at Foxdale into a four-bedroom detached dwelling with new garden space and associated works.
The Parish Council noted an objection by a neighbouring property that skylights would look into their property. The plan is for a much larger property than originally approved with a large garage right up to the Lane which makes the access unusable, and further damages the existing stone walls. The Parish Council felt that the revised plans were too large and agreed to object to the variation of the approved application. The Parish Council also noted an associated application 23/3152B regarding use of materials relating to the conversion of the Coach House.
23/3348N – Mayfield House, Moss Lane, Bunbury
Erection of a new dwelling and garage together with associated works.
The Parish Council heard that an application on this site had been refused in the past, the site in question being outside the settlement boundary, in open countryside. The Council noted that the applicant is claiming the site is infill; the land forming part of their garden. A new property is already being constructed in a different part of the garden. The Parish Council agreed to object to the application on the grounds that the land in question is in open countryside.
Bulb Planting
1,000 bulbs have been purchased to be planted by Bunbury Primary School children in the woodland area of the play area.
Chair’s Cup Plinth
A new wooden plinth is being made for the Chair’s Cup at a cost of £40 and the trophy shop in Crewe has agreed to move the existing plates to the new plinth for £20. The expenditure and work were approved.
The quote for the renewal of Parish Council insurance has gone up to £4,000, quite a considerable increase. Further quotes are being sought but companies are asking for detailed information of cover required. The Council approved the Clerk to seek the same cover for the cheapest quote.
Correspondence and Clerk’s report
A survey for feedback on the May 2022 Election process has reported that the nominations and expense forms should be made easier and digitised.
Town and Parish Councils have been invited to a Local Enterprise Partnership consultation on developing a new economic plan for the area.
Consultation on Planning Reforms
A comprehensive Government consultation on planning reforms is out for comment and the Parish Council agreed that any response made would be done by individual councillors.
The Parish Council has published its first newsletter, it was available from the Co-op and Tilly’s and on the village website. It was agreed to trial delivery of the future quarterly newsletter.
Grant Request
A grant of £150 has been requested from Nantwich Food Bank. The amount requested had been worked out on a pro-rata basis in terms of usage of the Food Bank by Bunbury residents. 6% of residents use the Food Bank. The grant was approved.
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 12 July 2023
Open Forum
A resident gave a verbal report on the recent Southern Planning Committee decision to refuse the latest planning application at Parkside, Bunbury Lane, thanking the Vice Chair of the Parish Council and the Ward Councillor for making presentations at the meeting. The meeting was attended by many Bunbury residents showing their opposition to the application, and a long and often technical discussion took place before members of the Committee voted to refuse the application.
Ward Councillor Report
The Ward Councillor referred to the recent planning application refusal at Parkside and reported that further clarification would be sought from Ministers on First Homes policy.
An estimate of the cost of clearing the blocked drains on School Lane is still awaited, with the aim to have them cleared over the summer school holiday. Some small potholes have been filled.
Cheshire East are proposing to reduce the number of planning committees to two from three to save costs. Concerns were being raised about the future transparency of planning decisions if this was to proceed. There is also a proposal by Cheshire East Council to introduce an annual charge for the disposal of garden waste.
Parish Councillor Reports
The Parish Council heard concerns about issues on School Lane, such as the pooling of water after heavy rain, traffic and overhanging hedges. The Parish Council agreed to include information on hedge cutting in The Link and on WhatsApp. The Ward Councillor is working to have the drains cleared to alleviate the flooding incidents.
The gate into the car park has dropped, and the locking mechanism is not working. A Parish Councillor agreed to attempt to rectify the gate.
Village day had been a success with similar attendance at the gate to last year, although the parade starting on School Lane did not attract a large following crowd. Beer sold out by 4 pm, and a wider range of food available once the BBQ had finished was well received. The School workshop was greatly appreciated, and the Parish Council was thanked for funding it.
Planning Applications
23/2511N – Foxdale, Vicarage Lane, Bunbury
Demolish the modern extension and erect a two-storey extension with external and internal alterations, landscaping and new access.
The Parish Council expressed concerns about the work that had already started before planning permission had been granted. The new access has been made with the sandstone wall and hedge removed. In addition, permission was given by Cheshire East Council on 19 June 2023 to remove 3 trees that had Tree Preservation Orders, with no notification to the Parish Council.
They agreed – to object to the application, raising concerns about the location of the new access, removal of trees and work commencing to the house and garden with no planning permission.
23/2313N – The Methodist Chapel, Bunbury Lane
The removal of the former chapel and the erection of two dwellings.
The previous application for two large modern homes on the site in this conservation area has been withdrawn, and this latest design has been put forward in a new application. The application still includes one large modern house of scale, height, materials and design not in keeping with the surrounding area. No detailed scale information had been included in the application, and there were a number of obvious inaccuracies in the supporting information that did not relate to Bunbury Village.
Agreed – object to the application – the large plot one proposal is too large and not in keeping with the surrounding area and the inclusion of inaccurate information in the Design Statement.
Planning Update
Work has resumed on the Oak Gardens site.
Two large covered bins will replace two small bins on the playing fields.
WhatsApp Group
The Parish Council WhatsApp group for factual village information has been running for a few months but now needs more residents to sign up. There are currently 130 participants, and it was agreed to put a notice in The Link to encourage more people to join. It was agreed that all councillors should be able to post information on the Group. The Group is for outward information only, and no response from the public is permitted.
Restart a Heart Day
Plans are being made for activities in the village as part of the national Restart a Heart Day. A training event is planned to take place in the village hall. Information will be publicised in The Link.
Correspondence and Clerk’s report
A resident had objected to the proposal to establish a Working Group to look at possible 20 mph restrictions in certain parts of the village.
Cheshire East has notified the Parish Council of road closures on College Lane, Tilston Bank Road and Bowes Gate Road for 14 weeks for road works.
The Parish Council agreed to renew its membership in Cheshire Community Action which provides advice on community projects and activities.
Chair’s Cup
Replacement of the base for the Chairman’s Cup is ongoing.
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 21 June 2023
Ward Councillor Report
The Ward Councillor explained that she had attended training since being elected in May 2023 and is now a member of the Children and Families and Environmental committees. Cheshire East is proposing a green bin tax to remove garden waste; she will oppose such a proposal. The consultation also occurred to close all libraries for an extra day and a half a week. This will be fiercely opposed, and the Ward Councillor visited Crewe Library to see libraries’ extended role, such as issuing Blue Badges. This proposal will go back to Committee for a decision.
In the village, the Ward Councillor has been logging the location of potholes for repairs. Some have been repaired as a result. She has visited School Lane to understand why the road floods when there is heavy rain – every drain is full and blocked. She proposes using some of her member budget to have all the drains cleared. The Parish Council welcomed this news but asked that the work be undertaken during the school holidays to enable easy access to drains. A visit has also been made to inspect the state of the roads in Wyche Lane and outside the church.
The planning application on Parkside had taken up considerable time, with residents raising concerns and objections. Representations had been made to Cheshire East, MP Edward Timpson and Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to ask the Minister for their opinion on the weighting of Neighbourhood Plans within the planning process. The Ward Councillor will be opposing the application when it is heard at the Southern Planning Committee on 28 June 2023.
Open Forum
A resident spoke about the Parkside planning application on Bunbury Lane. A request was made for as many members of the Parish Council to attend the Planning Committee on 28 June to show the strength of opposition to the application, which is recommended for approval by officers of Cheshire East Council. It is very disappointing to see a recommendation for approval, given the history of refusals on this site, the presence of a Neighbourhood Plan and the number of inaccuracies contained within the report. The Parish Council noted the date of the Committee.
A resident attended to make a further plea for the provision of allotments in the village following the presentation of a petition to the Parish Council. This was an item on the meeting’s agenda and would be discussed further.
Parish Councillor Reports
The Parish Council was reminded that it normally supports the creative workshop at the school after SATS have taken place.
It was reported that there are a number of overhanging hedges that are blocking footpaths in various parts of the village. A tree management sub-group has been set up and has been round the village to check Tree Preservation Order (TPO) trees and potential TPO trees. A report on the sub-groups’ findings would come back to a future meeting of the Parish Council.
Planning Applications
23/1697N and 23/1761N – the Old School, College Lane, Bunbury
Listed Building Consent and Planning, respectively, for the Proposed Installation of 14 Solar Panels to be installed to the roof pitch of the existing dwelling.
Discussion took place on the pros and cons of installing solar panels on a listed building. The Parish Council was split in its views with some pointing to the need to reduce carbon footprint, whilst others raised concerns about the potential visibility of the panels on a listed building.
Agreed – Voted to object to the application – 7 in favour, two against.
23/1787N Hygarth, Wyche Lane, Bunbury
Create dormer loft conversion to the rear to create additional bedroom living space. Partial render to the rear of the property and of a created dormer, in keeping with the current front elevations.
Despite asking for an extension from Cheshire East Council to consider this application, Cheshire East went ahead and approved the application.
23/1998N – Heath Farm, Whitchurch Road, Bunbury
Change of Use of an existing barn to form a residential dwelling, a detached garage and associated infrastructure works (re-submission of application 21/0997N).
Agreed – no objection; conversion in line with policy.
Planning Update
There have been parking issues associated with the building of houses at the side of the medical centre, including parking in front of the notice boards. Cones and tape have been erected to stop parking on the verges and the PCSO has spoken to the site manager. The opening up of the site should improve the situation.
WhatsApp Group
The WhatsApp group for factual village information has been running for a few months but now needs more residents to sign up; awareness raising of the Group could be placed on Village Day and Bunbury Journal Facebook pages. There was a proposal that all councillors should be able to post information on the Group, not just one named person.
The Parish Council discussed the provision of allotments in Bunbury following a request from a number of residents. Feasibility and management issues were discussed. The land owned by the Parish Council at Tweddle Close is the most obvious site. Issues of clearing of the site, costs, access rights, parking, and consultation with local residents were discussed. It was agreed to establish a Working Group to carry out a feasibility study and report back to the Parish Council.
Correspondence and Clark’s report
Parish Councillors will move to have a separate email address to secure the work of the Parish Council.
Concerns were raised that Cheshire East Council are proposing to reduce the number of planning committees because of workload and the potential impact on local democracy when planning applications are submitted. The Parish Council agreed to make representations raising concerns about the reduction in the number of planning committees.
The library consultation is open to individuals, and everyone was urged to respond.
Chair’s Cup
The plinth for the Chairman’s cup requires replacement, a larger plinth was proposed to hold all names and quotes would be brought back to the next meeting.
Defibrillator Costs
Defibrillation awareness sessions have reached 30 people from various groups. In October, there will be a national re-start a heart day, and it was proposed to run further awareness sessions to coincide with the national event. There are currently three fully functioning registered defibrillators within the village. It was reported that there is a national shortage of paediatric pads, and the defibrillator at the Dysart only has adult pads. It was agreed that it would be more beneficial to have the defibrillator at the Dysart in an outside cabinet at a cost of approximately £500 plus the cost of an electrician to install it. The Parish Council agreed to proceed with the outside cabinet at the Dysart.
Play Area Annual Safety Report
ROSPA has completed its annual safety report on the Play Area. Areas that were highlighted for maintenance include the zip wire and exercise bars and more bark is required. This is an ongoing commitment from funds to maintain the Play Area.
A new member of the Parish Council was co-opted at the meeting.
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 10 May 2023
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council took place prior to the scheduled monthly meeting. A summary of achievements and activities for the past 12 months was presented and thanks were made to members for their hard work. The Playing Fields Committee also gave a report outlining that the facilities were well-used and that modest renovations are in hand to maintain the facilities. There had been a successful Village Day last year, and everyone was looking forward to a good day at this year’s event on 17 June.
The Chairman’s cup for a voluntary contribution to the village was given to Henry Gillingham, licensee of the Nag’s Head in Bunbury for his care and hospitability shown to the elderly, particularly during the rise of the fuel crisis.
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for the 2023-24 session
Pam Brookfield was elected Chair, and Andrew Thomson Vice-Chair of the Parish Council for the 2023-24 session.
Ward Councillor Report
Becky Posnett was welcomed to the meeting as the new Ward Councillor for Bunbury.
Parish Councillor Reports
It was reported that the working group to look at recording trees within the village would meet on 19 May. A Tree Preservation Order map outfling all the trees with such an order in the village has been digitally uploaded onto the Parish online website. It was also agreed to set up an allotment working group to look at the land behind Tweddle Close following representations made to the Parish Council at its April meeting.
Defibrillation training has taken place to some users of the pavilion. Wider training to the pubs and public would be considered. There are currently 3 fully functioning registered defibrillators within the village. On-going costs such as the replacement of pads and batteries and outdoor storage boxes would have to be considered as part of the Council’s budget commitments.
The lack of pavements for Sadlers Wells was raised and it was agreed to raise as part of the traffic management plan in the Modified Neighbourhood Plan to help get this on board.
Planning Applications
23/1393N 4 Wakes Meadow, Bunbury
Mono pitch garage extension in line with neighbour’s additions to enable a reconfiguration internally. Mono pitch single-storey rear extension to feature skylights. 2 number dormers to front elevation to enable future plans with a loft conversion. A new bay window to the current office room to convert it into a snug lounge
Agreed – No objection.
23/1594N The Old Coach House, Bowes Gate Road, Bunbury
Change in use of land to garden, creation of new access and hardstanding area and construction of a detached car port
Agreed – No objection (land within settlement boundary)
23/1615N The Cottage, School Lane, Bunbury
Erection of a wooden oak balcony (raised platform) to the rear of the property from the existing Juliet balcony. North East facing across empty fields.
The Parish Council noted an objection from a neighbour over loss of privacy and overlooking; would a privacy panel help? It also appeared that the location of the oil tank near the back of the property would contravene building regulations.
Agreed – to ask for conditions to be put in place.
Planning Update
The Parkside planning application on Bunbury Lane and the one at the Methodist Chapel have still not made it onto a Planning Committee agenda. There appears to be some concern that Cheshire East Council is capitulating to the First Homes application on the land behind Parkside, despite this being outside the settlement boundary contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan and no justification of need provided by the applicant. The situation is being monitored as to when the next Southern Planning Committee will be after the local elections.
Installation of poles related to Fibre Broadband
A commercial company called Airband Community Internet had approached the Parish Council asking for permission to install 2 15m poles on land the Council own, around the playing fields car park and to the side of the Scout Hut. Further investigations found no particular benefit to the community and the Parish Council agreed not to grant permission to the erection of the two poles on Council owned land.
Fundraising by young people for maintenance of play area
Children had been concerned that there was not enough money to carry out repairs on equipment in the play area and had asked a Parish Councillor if they could help raise funds. A sponsored fun run around the fields for different age groups was suggested. Families had expressed a preference to have an event within the playing fields perimeter, such as a sponsored walk/run around the track. A ‘Go Fund’ page could be used for sponsors. Saturday 9 September was agreed as a provisional date for further discussion at the July meeting of the Council.
Coronation Event
The community picnic event to celebrate the King’s coronation took place on Sunday 5 May. The event had been widely publicised including social media, Tarporley Talk and Nantwich news, resulting in a good attendance on the day. The consensus was that people enjoyed the relaxed, bring your own picnic event. The Parish Council noted that they need to invest in card reading machine for future fund-raising events.
Village Day Stall
The Parish Council agreed to have a stall at village day on 17 June to raise awareness of what they do. Display boards could show footpaths and photographs, maps showing the location of defibrillators, free footpath maps would also be available and people could see the trial of the speed gun.
Speed Management
Cheshire East Council has published its speed management strategy, which includes a traffic management section and sustainable and active travel. Local areas can approach the Council to formally adopt 20mph zones and the Parish Council agreed to set up a working party to include residents to look at the possibility of 20mph for residential areas of the village. A message would be communicated seeking resident volunteers to join the Group. This issue would be included as a Parish Council action within the Modified Bunbury Neighbourhood Plan.
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 19 April 2023
Open Forum
Two residents from Wyche Lane spoke to the Parish Council, objecting to the proposed planning application for a bungalow on the land at Long Acre using the same access. They accepted that the proposal falls within the settlement boundary but pointed to the very narrow approach along Wyche Lane to the entrance. Construction traffic using the very narrow Lane and the current state of repair of the road, including a very large pothole, were also raised. A representative for the land owner also spoke to the Parish Council in support of the application pointing out this is a retirement bungalow for the current owner of Long Acre, which has been designed with local residents in mind, including a flat roof; and will generate one additional car using the driveway.
Ward Councillor Report
The Clerk reported that he had received a letter from the Ward Councillor explaining that she is not standing in the upcoming local election and thanked the Parish Council for their work, complementing the Council on its organisation.
Parish Councillor Reports
The consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan has now closed, and the Steering Group is working on updating the draft in light of the comments received. Once this is complete, the draft will be sent to Cheshire East along with the Design Guide.
The planting of a tree celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee took place on 13 April 2023; the event was advertised on social media.
An information session on the use of defibrillators will be held with user groups of the Pavilion and Village Hall. The defibrillator based at the Pavilion was used earlier in April and now needs the pads replaced. The feasibility of the defibrillator based at the Dysart Arms and the cricket club being located outside was discussed. One drawback of siting defibrillators outside is the effect of the cold on the life of the battery; heated cabinets are recommended, which come at an additional cost. The Yew Tree has also expressed an interest in having a defibrillator. It was agreed to run the awareness sessions and have further discussions about the location and cost of maintenance of defibrillators, followed by a communication to the village.
A new gate has been installed at the entrance to the playing fields. A ‘no dogs sign’ will also need to be put up on the gate.
Work has started on the development of the Oak Gardens site. The footpath has been closed with no notice; the requirement is for a 2.5m wide path on the inside of the fence that has been erected.
The heating at the Pavilion, although repaired, is still proving to be unreliable. The boiler is old, and parts are difficult to get. A new thermostat is required as is a new remotely operated time switch for the boiler. The recovery of electricity costs for the pop-up Co-op shop from two years ago is still outstanding and is being pursued.
It was reported that the shed at the Yew Tree has been broken into and cycles and tools stolen. Used vegetable oil has also been stolen from outside pubs. The police are urging residents to keep their sheds locked. The PCSO and Chair of the Parish Council are due to call on elderly residents to give advice about when not to answer the door to unwanted callers.
Planning Applications
23/0988N erection of bungalow at Long Acre
The Parish Council acknowledged the concerns of residents, particularly the narrow Lane and noise and potential road damage during construction. It was noted that there are other areas of the village where a number of dwellings share the same driveway. It was felt that Cheshire East Highways was unlikely to object to the increased traffic from one additional dwelling.
Agreed – No objection but asked for conditions during construction.
23/1393N 4 Wakes Meadow – mono pitch, garage extension
No information had been uploaded onto the website, so the Parish Council was unable to consider the application. The Clerk would write to the Head of Planning, pointing out that this was the second application that had come to the Council with no information provided on the website.
Planning Update
The Parkside planning application on Bunbury Lane and the one at the Methodist Chapel has still not made it onto a Planning Committee agenda, despite being advertised that it would go to the 5 April Committee meeting. There are no further Committee dates advertised due to the local elections in May. The situation is being monitored.
The Chair of the Parish Council reported that residents from Church Row have raised concerns that the developer at Belfry Place is planning to remove a piece of a grass verge that includes established trees. The possibility of applying for Tree Protection Orders for the trees close to the development would be looked into. This area has been identified as a Local Green Space in the draft Neighbourhood Plan.
Destruction of trees at Oak Gardens
A Parish Councillor raised serious concerns about the destruction of the wildlife buffer zone that was originally included in the planning application for the development at Oak Gardens. Trees have been cut down, and others cut back to reduce the area to an informal extension to gardens. The constant change to the application over the years has led to the loss of the original 15m non-development buffer zone. The Parish Council agreed to write to the Principal Planning Officer to ask for an explanation and ask for assurances that there should be no further encroachment.
Preserving Trees in the Village
It was agreed to undertake an audit of key trees in the parish and bring back recommendations to the Parish Council.
Installation of poles related to Fibre Broadband
A commercial company called Airband Community Internet had approached the Parish Council asking for permission to install 15m poles on land the Council owned, around the playing fields, car park and to the side of the Scout Hut. The Council felt that they did not have enough information on the installation and benefits to allow the installation.
Fundraising by young people for maintenance of the play area
Children had been concerned that there was not enough money to carry out repairs on equipment in the play area and had asked a Parish Councillor if they could help raise funds. A sponsored fun run around the fields for different age groups was suggested. It was agreed to look at organising an event, publicising how much it cost to repair the equipment last year and ask for support for such an event.
Clerk’s Report
All parish councillors who had submitted a nomination form had been elected with effect from the local election day of 4 May 2023.
Coronation of the King
The community picnic with a live band to celebrate the King’s coronation has been booked for Sunday, 5 May, 2-4 pm. People to bring their own picnics but teas/coffees, and cakes would be available to purchase. The possibility of the pizza van and a bar would also be followed up. The event has been advertised through social media, and posters would be displayed around the village. Picnic boxes would be distributed to vulnerable residents unable to attend the picnic, and a minibus would bring other residents to the playing fields.
Village Day Stall
The Parish Council will consider having a stall at village day and what to display and will discuss the detail at the next meeting.
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 22 March 2023
Open Forum
A member of the public presented the Parish Council with a petition of 26 signatures of people who would like to see allotments made available to residents. He referred to the draft Neighbourhood Plan with its policies of combating climate change, reducing carbon footprint and promoting community services for the village. The land at Tweddle Close, owned by the Parish Council, could be a potential site. The Parish Council agreed to put the item of allotments on a future agenda for further discussion. Management of an allotment site was raised as something that would need careful consideration.
A new candidate for the vacancy on the Parish Council introduced himself from the audience, explaining that he is currently on the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and was now happy to put himself forward to serve on the Parish Council.
Two members of the public congratulated the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group on the work in producing a draft for consultation. One resident suggested some tolerance of parking in the centre of the village to support the local shop and Post Office. The work on Vicarage Lane has led to this being a dangerous part of the village for pedestrians and cyclists.
Parish Councillor Reports
There are heating issues at the Pavilion. Planting of a tree as part of the Queen’s Jubilee will be planted by the end of March when the scheme comes to an end.
An information session on the use of defibrillators will be held with the carers group in the Nags Head and further demonstrations on their use held with user groups in the village hall. A further defibrillator has been located at the Cricket Club. All locations of the defibrillators will be confirmed and then advertised in the LINK. The battery for the defibrillator at the Dysart has been replaced at a cost of £138.
The gullies in the village are due to be cleaned during the Easter holidays. The dog bin by the woods has not been emptied for some time, and the one agreed to be installed by the Mill has still not materialised. The Parish Council agreed to follow up the actions. There are still issues with the slope on Footpath 16, and the landowner will be approached about the possibility of levelling it.
The Parish Council heard that Vicarage Lane will be closed for 4 weeks in April, which also co-insides with the closing of part of Long Lane.
Speed gun training has been completed by a number of Parish Councillors, and these will be used shortly around the village.
Clerk’s Report
A letter of thanks was received from the recipient of the Chairman’s Cup last year.
The Design Guide produced by the company AECOM has now been completed and sent to Cheshire East. This will come into force alongside the Modified Neighbourhood Plan when finalised and approved. All new development proposals will then have to demonstrate good quality design.
Coronation of the King
Discussion took place for a second meeting of the Parish Council about how to mark the coronation of the King. It was agreed to look to organise a community picnic on the playing fields on Sunday 5 May. People to bring their own picnics. Picnic boxes would be organised and delivered to vulnerable residents; names of residents to be identified.
It was reported that £45,000 Community Infrastructure Levy monies had been received by the Parish Council from building developments that have taken place in the village.
Local Elections and Election to the Parish Council
Existing Parish councillors and others with an interest in standing for re-election or election in May had a short briefing after the meeting, covering the process and timeline for nominations.
Bunbury Parish Council Meeting – 8 February 2023
New Parish Councillor
The Chair welcomed a new Parish Councillor to his first meeting.
Open Forum
A member of the public advised the Parish Council that the Planning application for Parkside, Bunbury Lane, had been deferred from the Cheshire East February Planning Committee to the next meeting on 15 March. A member of the Parish Council agreed to present an objection to the application at the meeting.
Parish Councillor Reports
The Parish Council discussed how and in what format future communications of the work of the Parish Council could be delivered to the community. A village WhatsApp group was mentioned at the last meeting. The rollout and how to ‘gatekeep’ a WhatsApp group was discussed. It requires timely input to ensure information is up to date and relevant, as well as advertising events such as Village Day. All councillors should be able to feed into the Group and have basic rules of use drawn up. In addition, the Editor of The Link has agreed that the Parish Council can have a regular article included in the publication. Deadline dates for articles will be sought.
The Bunbury sign’s poor state in the village’s centre was raised. Three double-glazed windows have been installed in the front of the Pavilion.
The replacement of some of the hedging around Brantwood in the centre of the village was raised as planning permission had included no change to the hedging surrounding the property. The Clerk reported that Cheshire East Enforcement Officer has been informed and received an acknowledgement, but no further intervention has occurred to date. This will be followed up.
The village PCSO had informed the Parish Council of an incident in Alpraham where an attempt was made to steal a car from a driveway. In addition, the Alpraham speed camera has been vandalised. A session for training members in using the speed gun has been arranged.
Planning Applications
23/0122N – The Old Coach House, Bowes Gate Road, Bunbury
Provision of a timber framed out building and associated free draining gravel hardstanding
Parish councillors commented that the plans were difficult to read as they were poorly drawn up with no scale included. This message would be sent back to the planning officer.
23/5034N – Priestland, Bunbury Common Road, Bunbury
Installation of a domestic solar array to the client’s paddock. The paddock is outside the Listed curtilage of Priestland but within the overall ownership of the boundary.
Parish Council decision: No objection, but ask that the permission is for domestic services only.
It was noted that the planning application for a store at Hope Cottage, Bunbury Lane, had been approved.
Clerk’s Report
There are local elections, including for the Parish Council, in May 2023. All members would be sent a nomination pack to rejoin. It was noted that being deemed elected, even if numbers applying, does not require a competitive election and gives members extra-legal powers.
The Pavilion
At the last meeting, a presentation was made about the potential for rebuilding the Pavilion, and it was agreed to discuss it again at the February meeting. It was noted that there was still some thinking around the use/purpose of any replacement building and its design. The Playing Fields Committee had met and expressed a wish to collaborate with other event spaces in the village, such as the village hall and scout hut and the community to propose a replacement for the Pavilion. A sub-group would undertake a scoping exercise to gather information to develop a vision and design before creating a fundraising strategy. The Scouting Association has been contacted for their views and input.
Parking in Front of the Village Hall and Noticeboards
A parish councillor raised the issue of parking in front of the Notice Boards, which restricts the community’s view of the notices. Also, the ground in front of the Notice Boards needs to be in a better state of repair. The land had been reported to Cheshire East ‘Fix my Street’, who deemed that the area did not justify further action. A re-submission of the area will be made.
It was noted that vehicles can legally park by the Notice Boards but agreed to write to the Village Hall Committee to clarify who owns the area and whether a ‘No parking’ sign could be put up.
The Parish Council are managing two of the three defibrillators in the village and agreed to begin to manage the one located at the Dysart Arms so that all three are managed together. Training could be offered to club users as well as the in-house training that the staff at the Dysart currently receive. In addition, the purchase of signage to show where the defibrillators are located was agreed upon.
Cheshire East Council Speed Management Strategy
The Parish Council discussed the recently published Cheshire East Council Speed Management Strategy and what, as a Parish Council, could be considered improvements for local traffic management bearing in mind the recently published draft Modified Neighbourhood Plan. 6.3 of the draft Plan covers transport, including several suggested improvement schemes for consideration in collaboration with Cheshire East Council. It was agreed that a paper on detailed proposals would be brought to a future Parish Council meeting.
Building Design Code
A draft Design Guide and Code to influence the character and design of any future development aligned with the Modified Bunbury Neighbourhood Plan has been circulated to members for comments.
Coronation of the King
Alternative ways to mark the Coronation of the King were discussed, with a coronation tea for older people and a community picnic on the playing fields the most favoured proposals.
Footpath Maps
A proposal to re-design and print a new footpath map to include neighbouring areas/villages was discussed and will be discussed in more detail at a future meeting. In the meantime, the current Bunbury footpath map would be given out at Village Day, and a supply given to Bunbury Mill.