Bunbury Village Hall Needs You!

Here in Bunbury we have a fantastic resource in the form of our Village Hall, which is for the benefit of everyone in Bunbury and the surrounding villages.

Many Bunbury residents already use the hall; whether that’s through attending any of the regular dance, keep fit or other indoor sporting activity classes that are on offer each week, or through hiring the space for private events, such as children’s parties or other special occasions. And of course, it’s where the Annual Church Panto is staged each Christmas.

The hall is overseen and managed by a small group of volunteer Trustees and committee members, and we now looking for volunteers to add to our numbers. 

The role of the Trustees

This is an overseeing role to ensure that the village hall is being managed appropriately. You’ll join an experienced Board of Trustees whose purpose is to:

  • ensure the charitable aims (objects) are adhered to 
  • oversee financial information
  • ensure health and safety legislation and risk assessments where necessary are in place

This is expected to be fulfilled at an Annual General Meeting in March each year.

The role of the committee

These roles are concerned with the smooth running of the hall. You’ll be joining an experienced committee whose shared purpose is to: 

  • ensure the building is maintained effectively
  • manage bookings
  • ensure adherence to health and safety legislation and producing risk assessments where necessary 
  • ensuring statutory checks are undertaken
  • ensuring licensing is lawful

As well as these activities, the committee meets as required throughout the year. 

If you are interested in getting involved, please send an email to bunburyvillagehallbookings@gmail.com to register your interest, and for more information.