Bunbury Village Hall Needs You!

Here in Bunbury we have a fantastic resource in the form of our Village Hall, which is for the benefit of everyone in Bunbury and the surrounding villages. Many Bunbury residents already use the hall; whether that’s through attending any of the regular dance, keep fit or other indoor sporting activity classes that are on …

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Scouting is back!

We are over the moon to share the news that Scouting is well and truly back in Bunbury!!!! Our new volunteer leaders have been successfully running three groups – Beavers (aged 6 to 8), Cubs (aged 8 – 10) and Scouts (aged 10.5 – 14) over the summer term on Monday evenings.  The sessions are …

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What is Bunbury Village Day all about?

Occasionally the BVD team are asked what is Bunbury Village Day all about and how does it work?….  are you a commercial organisation?….  what do you do with your profits?….  Well here are the answer to those questions and a few more besides! In 1969 the ancient custom of “The Wakes” was reborn as Bunbury …

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Bunbury Village Day

AQUA FEST, celebrating the wonders of water! With AQUA FEST only a few weeks away, the Bunbury Village Day team are busy putting the final details in place for this much anticipated event which will take place on Saturday 8 June. This year’s theme is inspired by the 200th anniversary of the Royal National Lifeboat …

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Scarecrow Festival

The Bunbury Village Day team are excited to announce that we are reviving an old BVD tradition in the run up to this years’ AQUA FEST… the Scarecrow Festival! It will come as no surprise that the theme for your Scarecrow should be water related and there are so many subjects that can inspire you …

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Household Waste Recycling Centre consultation 2024 

CE would like your comments on how household waste recycling centre (HWRC) services are delivered in the future. They want to deliver a service that enables our residents to recycle and dispose of their waste responsibly but is also within the limits of what is affordable over the coming years.   No final decision on how we …

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Sadlers Wells Woods Notice Boards

When Katherine and I visited the woodland on 2nd February we were dismayed to find the noticeboard lying on the ground in a damaged state, one of the posts was rotten at the base with the other snapped off. At first we thought someone might have accidentally reversed into it. However, looking more closely it appears to have …

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Is this your monkey tree?

Walking in the wood recently we noticed a monkey-puzzle tree had been planted near the field-fence close to the pond. Unfortunately, this is not a native tree and we plan to have only native trees in the community woodland, as these support so much more bio-diversity in the UK, where for example oak trees are …

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Trouble with Pot Holes?

Pot Hole

There are two ways to report potholes to Cheshire East Council. 1.⁠ ⁠Directly, use the Cheshire East website here: www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/highways_and_roads/road-maintenance/report-a-road-issue.aspx It is best to have a photo to upload and know the postcode or name of the road. If your smart phone has the data available, you can do this from your the location or …

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Scout’s Meeting – Monday 22nd April

Having recently hosted a successful Taster Session, 25th South-West Cheshire Bunbury and District Scout Group, will be holding its first official meeting, since re-forming on Monday 22 April at 6pm at the Scout Hut, Bunbury Jubilee Playing Fields, Hurst Close, Bunbury. The evening will be a joint session for Beavers (aged 6 – 8 years), …

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