Occasionally the BVD team are asked what is Bunbury Village Day all about and how does it work?…. are you a commercial organisation?…. what do you do with your profits?…. Well here are the answer to those questions and a few more besides!
In 1969 the ancient custom of “The Wakes” was reborn as Bunbury Village Day, so this year we are celebrating our 55th year!
The main focus of the day is to provide a great day for people of all ages in Bunbury and the surrounding villages.
The event is organised by a core team of volunteers (this year there are 12 of us) who meet throughout the year to come up with ideas and put them in place. On the weekend of the event, we are joined by many additional volunteers who help with all the practicalities such as putting marquees up (and down!), staffing the bar and BBQ, looking after the gate etc.
Sometimes after an event we find that we have a small profit (although it is not our aim to make one) and in past years we have used this to help fund all manner of things for the community including
- maintaining the Village website
- buying a new bench for the “triangle” in front of the co-op
- helping to fund the public access defibrillator at the Nags Head and funding replacement pads and batteries
- paying for a coach trip for the “Friday at Tillys Club”
- replacing the community noticeboard on the Village Hall
- painting the Pavilion at Bunbury Jubilee Playing Fields
- Our most recent donation was to the local community run charity – Sadlers Wells Community Woodland (https://bunburyvillage.info/sadlers-wells-woods/)
“I am delighted to announce that the Village Day committee have donated £200 from last year’s Village Day to us in order to help us fund more tools which are needed for our Working Parties.”
Katherine Hutchinson, Chair of SWCW
So, we hope that has answered all your burning questions and that we are successful in delivering our central goal – to provide a great day out for the whole community!