CE would like your comments on how household waste recycling centre (HWRC) services are delivered in the future.
They want to deliver a service that enables our residents to recycle and dispose of their waste responsibly but is also within the limits of what is affordable over the coming years.
No final decision on how we do this has yet been made and we are now consulting on a number of options so that we can develop a final recommendation, which will be presented back to the environment and communities committee in autumn this year.
A key aspect of the recommendation will be a focus on delivering a service that promotes waste prevention and reduction so that ultimately, less waste needs to be disposed of at our HWRCs and the impact on the environment is reduced.
Take part in the consultation
To view the consultation material and give your feedback you can:
- Complete an online survey
- Complete a paper version of this online survey, available from your local library.
The consultation will close on 16 June 2024.