Scarecrow Festival

The Bunbury Village Day team are excited to announce that we are reviving an old BVD tradition in the run up to this years’ AQUA FEST… the Scarecrow Festival!

It will come as no surprise that the theme for your Scarecrow should be water related and there are so many subjects that can inspire you from real people who work with water to fictional characters in books, films and TV to Roman and Greek Goddesses and Gods.

Here are just a few ideas…… Pirate, Sailor, Deep Sea Diver, Poseidon, Surfer, Lifeguard, Fisherman, Neptune, Nemo, Davy Jones, Captain (Tintin) Haddock, Mermaid, Moana, Old Father Thames, Odysseus, Jack Sparrow, Amphitrite, Water Sprite, Aqua Man, Popeye The Sailor, Robinson Crusoe, Captain Hook…. The list goes on!

Residents, businesses and community groups in and around Bunbury, are all welcome to take part! All you need to do is create a water themed Scarecrow or display and place them in a prominent position from Saturday 4 May until Saturday 8 June.

Please photograph your Scarecrow or display and share them on your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter page with the hashtag #BVDScarecrow

See you on 8 June at AQUA FEST! #Cheshire #BVD2024