Neighbourhood Review Group

Agenda and minutes 2023

Bunbury Neighbourhood Plan Meeting

7 pm Monday 9th January 2023

Nags Head


  1. Apologies
  1. Consultation Strategy/Publicity/Timing
  1. SEA to CE, Reg 14 consultee list
  1. AECOM update
  1. Final draft plan
  1. Finance/printing/costs
  1. AOB
  1. Date of next meeting

Bunbury Neighbourhood Plan Meeting

9th January 2023

The Nags Head.


1. Apologies – Jane and Mike

2. Consultation Strategy – there was some discussion about what we are going to present to the community and how we will ask for feedback. It was concluded that we will again deliver a copy of the draft plan to each household, with a narrative, and ask for their comments to be returned to us on a tear off page as before using various drop off points around the village. We should aim to complete the document by early Feb for distribution from the 13th with the 6-week period ending in the last week in March. It was noted that Cheshire East will go into ‘election purdah’ from mid-March. We should aim to have any public consultation during this period with a table outside the Co-op (AT to speak to the manager) , a 2hour slot at Tillys, and a 5 minute slot at local clubs such as the WI, Alive and the Gardening Club. Lucy is looking into having a news item in Tarporley Talk and Village News and Isabel, together with Lucy will get a reminder in the Link. AT is to ask Dan Thomas if we can put a banner up on the village hall.

3. AT is to chase Tom Evans re the SEA and consultee list.

4. AECOM is to send the draft of the final chapter of their report in February.

5. A copy of the final draft was circulated and all members of the NPSG have been asked for their comments. AT has given PG some memory sticks to download the document for Richard and Jane. Action Andrew/Peter

6. It was agreed we would print 600 copies of the final document for distribution to every household with a tear off slip for their response. Action Lucy. We need to agree the wording of any posters/publicity material and distribute these around the village. Action all

8 . Date of next meeting – Monday 2nd February 7pmvenue The Nags Head


Bunbury Neighbourhood Plan Meeting

7 pm Thursday 3rd February 2023

Nags Head


1. Apologies

2. Consultation/Publicity/Timing/Events

3. Reg 14 consultee list – on line consultation

4. AECOM update

5. What next?

6. AOB

7. Date of next meeting


Bunbury Neighbourhood Plan Meeting

7 pm Thursday 3rd February 2023

Nags Head


1. Apologies – Mike Bourne

2. Consultation/Publicity/Events – Distribute the draft plan w/c 13th Feb with an end date of 31st March. During that period AT to organise table (Peter) outside the Co-op on 4th March 9:00 to 10:30 (Peter and Bob?) and 10:30 to 12.00 (Jane and Andrew). And also, on 18th March same times Richard and Bob and then Lucy and Isabel. Andrew to organise the chairs.

Keith to speak to Alive Group and Gardening Club. Jane and Isabel to mention at Pilates and Fit as a Fiddle.


Richard – Whitchurch Road

Bob – School Lane

Isabel – Bunbury Lane and Queens Street

Lucy – Wyche Road and Wyche Lane

Keith – St Boniface Close/ Hill Close/Orchard Close/Hurst Close

Peter – Birds Lane to College Lane/Locks/Bunbury Common

Andrew – Willow Drive/Grange Close and the unnamed road opposite.

3. We need to consult with Max about putting the draft plan onto the PC website for the Reg 14 consultation. AT to contact the Reg 14 consultees with the link to the PC website. Action Peter & Andrew

4. AECOM Draft report was circulated and all are encouraged to read and make any comments. To date, the document needs to refer to the Modified NP; we need to check the Settlement Boundary, mention the lack of footpaths, including Whitchurch Road and check photo locations/character areas? Any more comments please to Andrew by 10th Feb.

5. What next? 6-week consultation then we as a group need to review the comments received and consider any revisions or amendments to the text, policies and plans. We then finalise the plan and forward to CE as a Regulation 15 when it becomes their plan. CE then undertake a second 6-week consultation and, if required, organise an Examination. If they consider that the revisions to the modified plan are substantial then they may require an examination. If not then they could go directly for a referendum.

6. AOB Richard is going to make a couple of collection boxes – the one for the Co-op needs to be tall with an opening top!

7. Date of next meeting 4th April in the Church to report and review the comments received.

Bunbury Neighbourhood Plan Meeting

7 pm Tuesday 4Th April 2023

Nags Head


1. Apologies

2. Consultation reponses

3. Actions required

4. AECOM update

5. What next?

6. AOB

7. Date of next meeting

Bunbury Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Minutes of meeting held on the 4th April 2023

Apologies – all members of the Steering Group were in attendance. Mike Bourne informed the group of his recent planning application and the reasons behind the submission. Everyone thanked Mike and agreed that there was no conflict of interest as the land in question is within the settlement boundary and the proposed new dwelling is within the policy guidelines set out in the draft plan.

Consultation responses. AT reported that we had received 187 responses from the 600 forms delivered to every house in the village (31% response). However, it was felt that this did not necessarily give a true reflection of the responses received and when broken down into age groups and comparing these to the age groups in the 2021 census then the response was 16.4%. AT had summarised all the responses received and identified, where appropriate, the draft plan should be updated. AT will draft a Consultation Statement for circulation which will identify the issues raised and amendments to be made.AT reported a consultation response that was received on the afternoon of the meeting. It was unanimously agreed by the Steering Group that this late submission could not be accepted.

Actions required – AT is to revise the plan with suggested actions for circulation to be discussed at a Steering Group meeting in May.

Design Guide – AT reported that the Design Guide will be submitted to CE at the same time as the Reg 15 plan, possibly towards the end of May. CE will then consult on the plan and take both the plan and the design guide through the formal adoption process.

What next – Isabel/Lucy are to draft an article to go in the Link thanking people for responding, and we will then draft a second article to go into the next edition summarising the issues raised by the community. AT is to amend the draft plan and prepare a consultation statement and a statement of basic conditions to be submitted to CE.

Date of next meeting: 7 pm Tuesday 9th May in Church (after the elections and coronation)

Bunbury Neighbourhood Plan Meeting

7 pm Tuesday 4th April 2023

The Church


1. Apologies

2. Consultation responses – paper to be circulated after 31st March closing date

3. Actions required

4. Reg 14 consultation

5. Design Guide

6. What next?

7. AOB

8. Date of next meeting

Bunbury Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Minutes of meeting held on the 4th April 2023

Apologies – all members of the Steering Group were in attendance. Mike Bourne informed the group of his recent planning application and the reasons behind the submission. Everyone thanked Mike and agreed that there was no conflict of interest as the land in question is within the settlement boundary and the proposed new dwelling is within the policy guidelines set out in the draft plan.

Consultation responses. AT reported that we had received 187 responses from the 600 forms delivered to every house in the village (31% response). However, it was felt that this did not necessarily give a true reflection of the responses received and when broken down into age groups and comparing these to the age groups in the 2021 census then, the response was 16.4%. AT had summarised all the responses received and identified, where appropriate, the draft plan should be updated. AT will draft a Consultation Statement for circulation, which will identify the issues raised and amendments to be made.AT reported a consultation response that was received on the afternoon of the meeting. It was unanimously agreed by the Steering Group that this late submission could not be accepted.

Actions required – AT is to revise the plan with suggested actions for circulation to be discussed at a Steering Group meeting in May.

Design Guide – AT reported that the Design Guide will be submitted to CE at the same time as the Reg 15 plan, possibly towards the end of May. CE will then consult on the plan and take both the plan and the design guide through the formal adoption process.

What next – Isabel/Lucy are to draft an article to go in the Link thanking people for responding and we will then draft a second article to go into the next edition summarising the issues raised by the community. AT is to amend the draft plan, and prepare a consultation statement and a statement of basic conditions to be submitted to CE.

Date of next meeting: 7 pm Tuesday 9th May in Church (after the elections and coronation)

Bunbury Neighbourhood Plan Meeting

7 pm Tuesday 4th April 2023

The Church


1. Apologies

2. Consultation responses

3. Actions required

6. What next?

7. AOB

8. Date of next meeting

Minutes of NPSG Meeting 9th May 2023 in the Church

Those present;

Richard, Lucy, Keith, Peter, Isabel and Andrew

The aim of the meeting was to discuss the responses received to the consultation and agree a response, particularly to the comments raised by United Utilities and Cheshire East. It was noted that we will need to explain our responses in the Consultation statement that will be submitted to Cheshire East at the Regulation 15 stage, together with a Statement of Basic Conditions and the revised plan as well as the Design Code for Bunbury. We have some time to do this as CE Council have yet to sort out their new committee structure etc following the local elections.

AT reported that a similar response from UU had been received in response to the proposed modifications to the Weston and Basford NP and that he had written to CE asking how the Weston NPSG should respond. A reply from CE is awaited.

We then went through the response from CE in some detail and there was a consensus amongst the group that the plan was written for the local community and whilst it is part of the planning policy portfolio of documents it needs to be readable and accessible to all members of the community. The suggestion that the plan should have an ‘interactive’ contents page was noted and it may be possible to include one on the web site however this is not considered to be a priority in producing the plan. A number of detailed responses were discussed in relation to the points made in the CE response however it was noted that some of the comments in their response were contradictory and would not, in the view of the SG, necessarily improve the content of the policies and justifications in the text. Peter/Richard are to look at the format of the plan, particularly the display of plans and whether we can have one main plan in the centre which contains, for example, the settlement boundary, listed buildings, the conservation areas etc. Andrew is to go through the CE text and make any revisions/amendments to the draft plan for discussion and agreement by the Steering Group and the PC before it is submitted to CE.

Once a revised document is available Andrew will circulate it and then arrange a meeting of the NPSG to discussed and agree the revisions made.